
So this is my bi-monthly update. I always have to go back and read a couple of my previous entries because I have no idea where I left off.

Not that anything overly exciting has been happening, of course. Well… I dunno. 

D and I are not back together. He didn’t really change all that much, surprise. We went through a good patch and then a rough spot and now things are evening out a little bit.

I had started hanging out with Starfish and Scott a lot back in September and had a romp with Scott’s younger brother. Who is affectionately known in our group as Humpy so that’s what I will refer to him as now. Humpy lives with my friend Nick, whom I met when I was 13, and hangs out with all the people I went to highschool with. So in the past two months I have rekindled some friendships. I’ve also met a slew of new people. I practically live with Nick and Humpy because I am there all the time. And, as always, I have assumed the position of what I like to call "Den Mother". I watch out for everyone and take care of everyone. Someone really has to do it so I do.

I still am living at home. It’s going well enough. I am never here though… I know that will get thrown in my face sooner or later.

OH. I um… I dropped the electrican program. Last Friday. I just… I wasn’t good enough to hack it. I’m a tough bitch but… I just wasn’t cut out for it. Back to the salt mines… "I am a 23 year old woman girl… I just dropped out of my local NJATC program that I busted my ass to get into. I’ve never been so proud of or so disappointed in myself in my whole life… Where do I go from here?"   This may or may not mean something to some of you next Sunday…

Oh, I also got thissssss:



Septum piercing! <3


More later guys… I’m still around. I still check everyday. I love you all…

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December 7, 2009

Glad to hear that you seem to be doing well, though I’m sorry about the program. I hope you’ll find a good alternative soon. I like the piercing… and it just occured to me that that’s the first picture of you that I’ve seen. I really like the eyes.

December 14, 2009

Oh my goodness that had to hurt. Septum piercings always remind me of those old cartoon bulls. Man you got pretty eyes!

December 17, 2009

RYN: Rut Roh Raggy!

January 7, 2010

Awaiting my bi-monthly taste inside your mind love. I know you’re alive and kickin it because I am cyber stalking you on Myspace. *laughs* Kidding kidding, but I love knowing that you are still around in some ways. I miss your soul though darling. That tortured hauntingly beautiful soul of you. But mostly I know that you are well beautiful. I worry from time to time. And I miss you. <3 Sarah <3