[1.] What did you do in 2010 that you have never done before? Brought the New Year in unemployed, bought a car, tried extacy. 

[2.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions? I wanted to lose weight this year and find a job and I succeeded in both even though they aren’t exactly how I wanted the outcome to be.

[3.] What countries did you visit? None.

[4.] What would you like to have in 2010 that you didn’t have in 2009? Traveled I believe.

[5.] What date in 2010 will remain etched in your memory? June 5, June 11, December 2.

[6.] What was your biggest achievement of the year? Losing 60 pounds.

[7.] What was your biggest failure? Giving up on exercised for a ridiculous reason. Back on track, I’m almost there.

[8.] Did you suffer any illness or injury? Was very sick for a few days, dunno what it was.

[9.] What was the best thing you bought? I would say my car but it only causes me problems.

[10.] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? A few people…

[11.] Where did most of your money go? My Jeep and my never ending debt.

[12.] What did you get really, really, really excited about? Fear Factory concert.

[13.] What songs will always remind you of 2010? Your Love by Nikki Minaj, Powershifter by Fear Factory, Find Your Love by Drake.

[14.] Compared to this time last year are you :
[A] Fatter or thinner? Thinner.
[B] Happier or sadder? Sadder.
[C] Richer or poorer? About the same… even though I had no job at this time last year.

[15.] What do you wish you’d done less of? Stress. Crying. Drugs.

[16.] How will you be spending Christmas? Mostly home and went to Derek’s for the evening.

[17.] Which LJ/OD users did you meet for the first time? No one yet.

[18.] Did you fall in love in 2010? With someone I can never have.

[19.] How many one night stands? Technically 1.

[20] What was your favourite TV show? Didn’t watch much TV.

[21.] Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Not really.

[22.] What was/were the best books you read? I only re-read the Manhattan Hunt Club by John Saul.

[23.] What was your greatest musical discovery?  Sumatra, Animals As Leaders, Carnifex, Five Foot Thick.

[24.] What did you want and get? A new car and a job.

[27.] Any births/deaths this year? My grandfather passed away in January and my new niece was born to Starfish almost a month ago.

[25.] What was your favourite film this year? Possibly Unthinkable. 

[26.] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? I turned 24 and I did nothing. Like every year for the past 5 years. I don’t tell anyone when my birthday is.

[27.] What one thing would have made your year more satisfying? Honestly? If Bumpy and I had worked out. Or if Nate suddenly decided he couldn’t live without me.

[28.] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? Jeans and a t-shirt as usual. 

[29.] What kept you sane? Giovanni… and Humpy and Gurdek kept me grounded through some depression.

[30.] Which celebrity did you fancy the most? Johnny Depp, as usual.

[31.] Which political issue stirred you the most? Don’t know, don’t care.

[32.] Who did you miss? Nate. I didn’t see him as much as I wanted.

[33.] Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year? That there is a lot of hype about drugs… and they aren’t going to kill you. Unless you can’t keep control of yourself. They aren’t a big deal.

[34.] Quote a song lyric that sums up your year… "Nobody knows me, I’m cold. Walk down this road all alone. It’s no one’s fault but my own; it’s the path I’ve chosen to go." "I build it to break it down."

[35.] Any resolutions for 2011? Lose another 30-40 pounds. Pay off at least $1,000 worth of debt.


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December 27, 2010

Great job on losing the weight! I hope the coming year brings you better than the last.

November 25, 2013

Happiness could be doing the right thing, with a smile, even though you know that you’ve done the wrong things…so many times before.