
(((a pre-christian Sumero-Akkadian Prayer of repentance)))


May the fury of my lord’s heart be quieted toward me.

May the god who is not known be quieted toward me;

May the goddess who is not known be quieted toward me.

May the god who I know or do not know be quieted toward me;

May the goddess who I know or do not know be quieted toward me.

May the heart of my god be quieted toward me;

May the heart of my goddess be quieted toward me.

May my god and goddess be quieted toward me.

May the god who has become angry with me be quieted toward me;

May the goddess who has become angry with me be quieted toward me.


In ignorance I have eaten that forbidden by my god;

In ignorance I have set foot on that prohibited by my goddess.

O Lord, my transgressions are many; great are my sins.

O my god, (my) transgressions are many; great are (my) sins.

O my goddess (my) transgressions are many; great are (my) sins.

O god whom I know or do not know, (my) transgressions are many; great are my sins.

O goddess whom I know or do not know, (my) transgressions are many; great are my sins;

The transgression which I have committed, indeed I do not know;

The sin which I have done, indeed I dio not know.

The forbidden thing which I have eaten, indeed I do not know;

The prohibited (place) on which I have set foot, indeed I do not know;

The lord in the anger of his heart looked at me;

The god in the rage of his heart confronted me;

When the goddess was angry with me, she made me become ill.

The god whom I know or do not know has oppressed me;

The goddess whom I know or do not know has placed suffering upon me.

Although I am constantly looking for help, no one takes me by the hand;

When I weep they do not come to my side.

I utter laments, but no one hears me;

I am troubled; I am overwhelmed; I can not see.

O my god, merciful one, I address to thee the prayer, ‘Ever incline to me’;

I kiss the feet of my goddess; I crawl before thee.


How long, O my goddess, whom I know or do not know, ere thy hostile heart will be quieted?

Man is dumb; he knows nothing;

Mankind, everyone that exists—what does he know?

Whether he is committing sin or doing good, he does not even know.

O my lord, do not cast thy servant down;

He is plunged into the waters of a swamp; take him by the hand.

The sin which I have done, turn into goodness;

The transgression which I have committed, let the wind carry away;

My many misdeeds strip off like a garment.

O my god, (my) transgressions are seven times seven;  remove my transgressions;

O my goddess, (my) transgressions are seven times seven;  remove my transgressions;

O god whom I know or do not know transgressions are seven times seven;  remove my transgressions;

O goddess whom I know or do not know transgressions are seven times seven;  remove my transgressions;

Remove my transgressions (and) I will sing thy praise.

Like a real mother (and) a real father may it be quieted toward me.



(*Essential sacresd writing from around the world by Mireca Eliade pg 272*) 

(((my question is this, since this man was pre Christ and has no way to hear the word whould this prayer grant the sinner redemption in god’s eyes?)))

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((and may I say now that I am so glad judgement lies in gods hands and not in many of yours))

(what do you think?)

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April 18, 2004

7 x 7 mnnn

April 18, 2004

This would be a very different world if I were in charge- so for many, it is perhaps a good thing I am not. RYN My friendship with Kunie predates the internet. There is nothing like being there, but the internet is a substitute of sorts…

April 19, 2004

It is not clear that this prayer is directed at one God since it reffers to a God as well as a Goddess. PreCrist there was Judism. And Judism was clear on the concept of one God. There are many religions all throughout this world. Do you think that those people will be ingnored by God just because they aren’t Chrisitians? Haven’t we all been created by the same God?

ryn: Wait, are you referring to that I said in the entry about my brother appreciating his family more after he got back from the mission? Or did I miss a note somewhere? :-

April 19, 2004

RYN: Thank you ever so much for your note, your words are greatly appreciated.

April 21, 2004

I love this prayer in the way it gives the many names or many names of the creator. Weather we believe in one, another or none we are all from the same source. It is not for us to believe one way or another as much as to live as if G d gave us our feelings and we compound the pain when we fight each other. I don’t know if there is a god but I cry for G d that no one tries to give back.

of the intent of the human heart, words make a weak adumbration. your question goes right to the heart of the story of the tower of babel – so many words, so many variations, so many misunderstandings. that is why God hears our hearts and not our mouths.

i’d be interested in your thoughts on my entiry ‘divine sight of the atheist’ peaceout