
Hey, i got lost in the desert when i came acrost Ben, really distracting.

but i want some Topics…

Like Prayer, Sacrifice, Repenctence, Oneness with God,


Root of God, Charicter of god, Different fasicts of God,


looking for somthing to focus my entriers,

Gnostisims, (val, Man or all)? I have the full translation of the Nag Hammaind Library (30 new Gnostic Texts including the Gosple of Mary)

Hinduism, Buddasism i have Vedic Texts and Tao Te Ching,

I have the Dead Sea Scrolls,

Book of Mormon (i have the quad so it has King James Old and New + B of M, POGP and D&C)

I have some of the Kabala and most of the Apocraphon and a few of the Jewish Psudopiagraphia

oh and i also have this great anthology that gives a thymatic breakdown of the “Primitive” faiths.

I want topics and if you read this it means there was something you wrote that i loved, so i would love to hear what topics would interest you.

much love to all,


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April 22, 2004

I would love to hear about the “primitive” faiths. I love reading about those. Ever read the “earth children” series by Jean M. Auel? Really, really good series that discusses various “primitive” faiths.

April 22, 2004

It all sounds fascinating! How about a passage from each so we can compare!

April 23, 2004

RYN: (for the sake of argument..:D) my location doesn’t imply we’re shadow puppets of God. God gave us free will, so much so that without us neither He nor satan can do much of anything in this world, so we’re not His puppets. we are His children. my location (the shadow of the Almighty) is taken from Psalm 91 which speaks of the Lord being our fortress and refuge. 🙂 (there, now i feel better)

April 25, 2004

RYN: Psalm 82:6 “Ye are gods…” I’ve looked at a few different versions of the Bible and found that the translation in Hebrew is “mighty ones”. So if you’re thinking this passage is calling men gods, it’s not. The amplified Bible says “You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]”, but the verse goes on to say we are children of the Most High. an interesting…

April 25, 2004

….cross reference is John 10:34-36.

April 26, 2004

RYN: Jesus is not power-hungry. He is powerFUL. He came in humility; not as people would expect a king to come. But God had given Him all power and authority in Heaven and earth. God sacrificed Him out of love for us, so we might be saved. That is what “no one comes to the Father but by me” is all about. there is no power-struggle in that statement. Christ knew who He was and why He came.

April 26, 2004

the Psalm 86 thing: that verse really confused me b/c it just sounded wrong, so I asked someone about it and it is in fact calling men gods. we are made in God’s image, according to His likeness, but we are merely gods of this earth. that’s why Jesus is called the King of kings and the Lord of lords. we are those kinds and lords. (there, now that i’ve cleared that up for myself…lol) 🙂 †

ahh, Kabalah interests me much. as do ‘primitive’ faiths.