Prophet 2Pac

I will go down with this Ship, I won’t put my hand up to surrender.


The only truly religious people left are the scientists?


What is the God you believe in? Jesus, Buddha, Infinity, nothing, everything?


God in Rap,  praise on 2Pac! Nmnnn, Prophet 2Pac.


Make the message relevant, speak to the disenfranchised. The margins of the society. All major changes happen at the margins of society.

Was listening to a rap song the other day, something about turning the system up side down.


Jesus was a Menace to society a true rebel. Jesus came with the sword y’all, he came to shake shit up, he was companion to prostitutes, lepers and the dregs of society and from them found the apostles and saints.


Brenda’s got a Baby? Sad story… Paradigm shift.  Judge not … There is a story with every sin. The story behind each person. You don’t know the story how can you judge. I have faith that all people do things that the feel are the best thing to do at the time.


2Pac would have make a good Apostle,(blessed Judas the apostle who loved Jesus was like a black panther! )


but these are violent rappers how can they bring the message of god.


Wake up y’all, god speaks to ALL his children. That’s just the way it is.


Wisdom is coming from all sides, LISTEN! Even if it is in a rap song,


Rappers are known to sometimes ‘drop the knowledge on’.  PRAISE ON, is a crazy feeling.


An appropriate word, for the appropriate season.


Some of the Art these rappers are coming out with is really good, not the violence I remember from the 80’s,


Hip-hop prophets… the world is a wonderfully crazy place.

  God is soo cool,


With love,



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Very nice. I agree. I’d work on gathering your thoughts a little more. It’s kinda hard to follow, but your message is right on.

why did you leave this on my diary? 🙂