Now will I speak to those who will hear

1.         Now will I speak to those who will hear

of the things which the initiate should remember;

The praises and prayer of the Good Mind to the Lord

And the joy which you shall see in the light who has remembered them well.


2.         Hear with your ears that which is the sovereign good;

With a clear mind look upon the two sides

Between which each person must choose for themselves,

Watchful beforehand that the great test may be accomplished in our favor.


3.         Now at the beginning the twin spirits have declared their nature,

The better and the evil,

In thought and word and deed. And between the two

The wise ones choose well, not so the foolish.


4.         And when these two spirits came together,

In the beginning they established life and non-life,

And that, at the last, the worst experience should be for the wicked,

But for the righteous one the Best Mind.


5.         Of these two spirits, the evil one chose to do the worst things;

But the most Holy Spirit, clothed in the most steadfast heavens,

Joined himself unto Righteousness;

And thus did all those who delight to please the Wise Lord by honest deeds.


6.            Between the two, the false gods also did not choose rightly,

For while they pondered they were beset by error,

So that they chose the Worst Mind.

Then did they hasten to join themselves unto Fury,

That they might, by it, deprave the existence of mankind.


(7.        He who first thought the mind filled the blessed spaces with light,

He it is, who by his will created Righteousness,

Whereby he upholds the Best Mind.

This thou has increased, O Wise One, by the Spirit

Which is even now one with thee, O Lord!


8.            Through the mind, O Wise One, have I known thee as the first and the last,

As the father of the Good Mind,

When I perceived thee with mine eyes as the true creator of Righteousness,

As the lord in the deeds of existence….)


9.         And may we be those that renew this existence!

O Wise One, and you other Lords, and Righteousness, bring your alliance,

That thoughts may gather where wisdom is faint.


10.       Then shall Evil cease to flourish,

While those who have acquired good fame

Shall reap the promised reward

In the blessed dwelling, of the Good Mind, of the Wise One and of Righteousness.


(11.      Since thou, O Wise One, at the first didst create for us by thy mind

Beings and consciences and will,

Since thou didst give a body to the soul of life,

Since thou di

dst create deeds and words, that mankind may decide freely.)


12. Since then dose the preacher of false words lift up his voice as well as the preacher of true words,

The initiate as well as the non-initiate, each according to their heart and their mind.

May devotion put to the proof, one after the other, the spirits where there is bewilderment!…

20. Whoever stands by the righteous man, to him shall future glory appear,

Long—lasting darkness, ill food, and wailing—

To such an existence shall you conscience

Lead you by your own deeds, O wicked ones.

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ryn: Hmm, that’s some very interesting ideas you stated. Although I’m sorry to disagree – I have my own beliefs on how the Godhead in Heaven works. I’m not trying to offend you, but I believe that the Holy Ghost is just a male servant/spirit of the Lord who helps us feel God’s love for us and receive inspiration. I do agree that our Heavenly Mother is our nurturer, but she’s not part of the

Godhead. It’s kind of like Kings and Queens in a palace where the King is like the head of everything and the Queen just kind of sits there and looks pretty. I suppose the Queen CAN pitch in her thoughts sometimes. And the Holy Ghost is the messenger for the King. About the Savior, He gave us the option to repent so that we can live in that big Heavenly Palace up there. It’s just how I feel. 🙂

Thanks for the notes though!

check out …Peace

you may not believe in the original sin which was the desire to be like THE GOD,YAHWEH.But you are not sinless and it is true every man will be judged according to his deeds.If you are a true son you will turn your heart to the Father and do his will,not just lip service.You will build His Kingdom on earth.

May 3, 2004

Interesting. People have been thinking of these things for all of time, it would seem.

RYN Umm you left me so many notes I can’t remember them all. As for the very last one, about the people that number 4,000, that is interesting. I just want to point out that there are many nations on this earth, and each one has their purpose. The TNK is focused on the Jewish nation, and that doesn’t mean that any other is less important or what not. The Jews were the ones that accepted the con’t

the Torah. Every nation was offered it, and none of them wanted it, including these other people. Are you Jewish? Or are you just interested in these things or what?

May 4, 2004

RYN: original sin? i don’t quite know what you’re referring to. Are you talking about Adam and Eve?

May 5, 2004

just found your diary and read a couple of entries so sorry if this is explained somewhere else and i haven’t read it – was wondering how you can accept all religious scripture when some of it clearly contradicts others?

May 5, 2004

RYN: When I looked at my notes page, I thought it was all one complicated math problem, lol (sorry, but I’m a pagan). But I meant God as in throwing thunderbolts and immortality and being able to shoot fireballs out of your hands.

call it fate, syncronicity or providence (but not coincidence), this prayer was posted here that i may hear. i am astounded and grateful, because it has pulled my head in. i must read my bible. peace out! —

May 7, 2004

RYN: I completely disagree. God gave Adam and Eve free will, which is why it was possible for them to succumb to the temptation of the serpent. God merely warned Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit. it was their free will that let them choose to disobey God and fall from His grace.

ryn: jesus was the son of god; we are told that we are all children of god…why can’t people make the connection? we are all offspring of the Divine. my mission is to tell people the good news. we are God – ALL is God! and yes, Christ has descended, and the kingdom come. peace and Love

and so what be the holy trinity? god the father, god the spirit, and god the sons and daughters of humanity.