much ado about nothing

Tao Teh Ching #48

Learning consist in daily accumulating;

The practice of Tao consists in daily diminishing.


Keep on diminishing and diminishing,

Until you reach the state of Non-Ado.

No-Ado, and yet nothing is left undone.


To win the world, one must renounce all.

If one still has private ends to serve,

One will never be able to win the world.





I have long suspected this… a very simple trick you know. It was even in that Harry potter book Sorcerers stone. The best way to keep something away from one who desires to use it badly is to not give it to anyone who wants it. Only give it to people who don’t really want it.


Christ seems to epitomize this; he was a humble man constantly telling us that we could also do what he does, if we practice humility and faith.

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The thing is, christians don’t see Jesus as “a humble man constantly telling us that we could also do what he does, if we practice humility and faith.” They see him as God, not even concieved the way the rest of humanity was concieved, but “by the holy spirit,” and then ressurected from the dead, ascended into heaven, God sitting at the right hand of God via some convoluted trinitarian theology.

theology. Completely human, yet completely God in a sense that no mere religious thinker or leader could ever be. And more important than anything he might have offered in the way of teaching, he “died for your sins.” Somehow. And upon accepting Jesus as redeeder, your slate is clean, and you can go to heaven.

Of course, I knew you knew all that. Sorry. Nice entries.

March 11, 2004

hmm- i don’t really know how to respond to this, but just know it perplexed me. I liked it though- thought provoking.