mountain MOVE!

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

the Revelation has occured! we are living in the melenial rule of christ 🙂 mnnnn, yes i like the book better that way…

oh and gread, it is ok, you must just first learn how to use it for the best good. you see the key is realising a simmple fact. you are god. and through that filter realize that your desisions and actions and thoughts are refected on all of creation, (behold the POWER of prayr) so THINK: do you what to live in a world were everybody acted like you? Love mankind as yourself! do it greadaly,

seen this way your gread with help your neighbor. for it is the simplest cheepest way to gain the maximum yeald. an act of love (true giveing love) has the greatest margen of all products for what you give is FREE and the fruits abound. or christ said “be like unto me” so he sacrificed him self for us? so must we, likewise, give freely of ourselfs to all. i think i would like to live in THAT world

so how do i make it THIS world? well mnnn, i guess i Pray and i act with love and give freely of myself and live the benefets of such a life (and the hardships) and give with joy so to relive even the burden of gratitued. thus no debt occurs and every one leaves weathy. for what you are buing is happiness, and peace, and love. but if you resent, STOP! resentment more then negates love. yes, gread. 

greed with be our salvation yet, just you watch. for you have to really WANT it to get High Bliss from god NOW in life as it is ment to be as we as his children are supposed to behave. the key the key, to realize that i am you as you are god thus our responsiblity to make our dreams happen.

with love,


mountain MOVE! [InTheSandBox]

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May 11, 2004

Prayer is a powerful thing. I definately agree that if a person believes that they have received what they seek in their prayers, it will happen.

May 11, 2004

glad to know someone else shares this faith. ryn: not sure what you mean about job and pride. but we are only a portion or particle of the mind and body of god – look at the size of the universe for a body, and any other intelligent life here would be another lobe of god’s brain…then there’s everything beyond this universe…we are as water molecules to an ocean, tiny yet integral.

May 12, 2004

hellos!! i just wanted to say hi, and i miss reading ur diary. no worries tho… im thinking my computer should be up and running in no time. *crosses fingers* keep writing. toodles, isabel