Mandaean poem’s

Here are a few poems representive of Mandaean soteriology

They are fables of Salvation and Ethics. In this sect Adam is the key role and the salvation of Adam gives hope to us all.  (“death is the ‘day of deliverance’ when the soul leaves the body and begins a long an dangerous journey leading through seven or right supernatural pleases of detention’ (the planetary spheres, including the sun and the moon and that of Ruha) these places are altogether evil and hostle to the soul. Therefore , they deek to detain it. This branch of Gnosticism is very Jewish in its laws.


The first poem I will type is called Bliss and Peace


Bliss and peace there shall be

On the road witch Adam built well.

Bliss and peace there shall be

On the road which the soul takes.

Go, soul, in victory

To the place from which you were transplanted,

The place of joy,

In which the face shines.

The face shines in it,

The form is illumined and does not grow dim.

The Soul has loosened its chain

And broken its fetters.

It shed its bodily coat,

Then it turned about, saw it, and shudder.

The call of the soul is the call of life

Which departs from the body of refuse.


(I don’t know I kind of like my ‘body of refuse’ thank you very much but I do look forward to the last great Journey from which I leave this mortal coil and undergo my second baptism, my baptism of fire where all impurities are scoured away.)


Wrapped in Sleep


I am wrapped and sleep

In a garment in which there is no defect.

In a garment in which there is no defect,

Which has nothing missing or lacking.

The Life knew about me,

Adam, who slept awoke.

He the Helper took me by the palm of my right hand

And game a palm-branch into my hand.

The light cast me into the darkness,

And the darkness was filled with light.

On the day when light arises,

Darkness will return to its place.

He approached the clouds of light,

And his course was set to the Place of Light.     


(classic Gnosticism where the body is not flawed but it is also not the higher truth that to see the higher truth we must first leave the confines of this body. The matrix and movies like that that are coming out now, have strong Gnostic themes, you know the whole red pill blue pill “wake up” to what is really going on… yeah that is a Gnostic religious thought.)

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February 23, 2004

what i know of gnosticism is so intriguing to me, yet i feel i’m very ignorant yet to most of its principles. do you have any suggestions for a place to start reading/educating myself?