Kit says:

… you would love the conversation i am having with a thinking bum

Alisha says:

oh man

Alisha says:

I’m afraid to ask

Kit says:

here let me cut and paste it is an object lesson on humility

Alisha says:


Kit says:

argument for the savior zombie god. the way i find most useful: Jesus by most accounts was a humble man. would a humble man declare that there was NO way to god but through me. ya, doesn’t sound to humble does it. so one or the other must have been a fabrication of man. ask your heart which is true? [InTheSandBox]


Kit says:

for Jesus also declared that he was a son of god. however people clamed he was THE son of god. again, the humble man would say that we are all children of god. not that I am THE child of GOD. and JESUS said “this too, you shall do” and “be like me”. not the statements of a man that is not a man, but a humble man who found truth and happeness and love and tried to spread the good news.

Kit says:

but in defence of the (un)fun-dementalists. it is their single minded faith in the story of christ that has perpetuated the myth so as to pervide inspriration to read the worlds frist international bestseller. and so i came to hear bits and peaces of the words and works of this man jesus who became the christ. and by the words i grow in moral strength and compassion.

Kit says:

here is a parable for you. there once was a realy good farmer with a realy good feild. and in this feild he planted the best seeds. but in the night a foe came and sowed his weeds among the good seeds. and when the weeds started to come up. people looked at the weeds and think to themselves this farmer must suck look at all the weeds. but the farmer, seeing the weeds and seeds together thought fo

Kit says:

…seeing the seeds and weeds together. thought for a while and desided that it would be best to just leave the weeds. for if you try to remove the weeds you would uproot the good seeds too. and by leaving the weeds you give the seeds the oppertunity to overcome the weeds and grow tall and strong so as to block the sun from reaching the lowly weeds and they die. thus is it with the bible.

Kit says:

again on the humilty thing. if Jesus is God then he must be humble. for it must take humility to creat all of existence then not sign your name. [InTheSandBox]


but think of the consequences if Jesus was Proud. for it was the Pride of God, that allows saten to tempt god to tourcher poor Job.

Kit says:

it is the same way that loving christians are forced to deal with the consequences of the other christins who are so full of pride that it becomes venom.

Kit says:

k, thats it you can read now

Alisha says:

when I went to church this weekend we kinda talked about the whole “son of God” issue and a friend of mine put it that “we are basically adopted sons of God”

Alisha says:

and since Jesus is God, we say that he is the Son of God to put it into an easier perspective for us to imagine since he is in human form

Alisha says:

We said that he isn’t directly a “son” of God like we think of Son, but we say that he is the Son because he is from God and has his powers

Kit says:

but arn’t we likewise created from god and didn’t he breath his powers into us with the first breath we took?

Alisha says:

but he didn’t procreate to have us

Kit says:


Alisha says:

he created us, but that doesn’t mean we are his children

Alisha says:

he didn’t give birth to us

Alisha says:

but we are adopted to him through Jesus

Kit says:

why is it so important to make both god and Jesus so unlike mankind?

Alisha says:

Because they are unlike mankind

Kit says:

why is there such a seperation between man and the devine that i always thought was within all things

Alisha says:

God is perfect, mankind isn’t

Alisha says:

Jesus was sent from God and was also perfect

Alisha says:

mankind isn’t

Kit says:


Kit says:

<FONT face="Microsoft Sans Serif" color=#000080 size=4>

but jesus is a role modle?

Alisha says:

because God is God and even though he is everything, everything is not God

Alisha says:


Kit says:

woulden’t he make a better role modle if we could be like him? for if he was a super human then it would then be imposible to be like him

Alisha says:

he is a role model because he went through the same temptations we did, through all of the same hardships & more than we do, and he survived

Alisha says:

He did not fall to temptation

Kit says:

exactly he was a man

Alisha says:


Kit says:

not god,

well not god as much as we are all not god

Alisha says:

he from God, in man form, to be able to be tempted in the same things we do

Kit says:

so how is he from god that we are not?

Alisha says:

because God sent him down to earth

Alisha says:

God created us for his pleasure, but he sent Jesus to be our savior

Alisha says:

He sent Jesus to right the world

Kit says:

Oh, that makes a lot more sence, we are playthings for god. and he is just playing with us…

Kit says:

and he broke his toy

Alisha says:


Kit says:

and had to fix it

Alisha says:


Alisha says:

we seperated from him, more like it

Kit says:

so Jesus is superglue

Alisha says:

Jesus is the window back to God

Kit says:

but if jusus is the window cant we open the window or not have a window but a door?

Kit says:

or better yet just step outside?

Alisha says:

Call it whatever, Jesus is the path to God.

Kit says:

is the path to god’ or ‘is a path to god?

Kit says:

hard one

Kit says:


Alisha says:

is THE path to God

Alisha says:

that’s the christian view

Kit says:

but did not adam have a direct relationship with god

Alisha says:

adam was before God needed to send Jesus to right the world

Kit says:

and abraham and mosis and all the other prophets

Alisha says:

they were all pre-Jesus

Kit says:


Kit says:

ok so jesus was not needed until jesus came

Kit says:


Alisha says:

yes, until God sent him

Alisha says:

to cover the sins of man

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June 1, 2004

this goes on for some time more

June 1, 2004

RYN: interesting entry. Yes I am a Bahai, have been one for over 16 years now. Its a faith that acknowledges that all religions are ONE, serving One God ( just called by different names) and we are all one race, the human race. There is much more if ever you are curious…..check out the official website or ask me. hugs

June 2, 2004

I have always struggled with that concept in Christianity that Jesus was the son of God and God. It seems they divide God into three parts, yet claim they believe in one God. I always flet that Jesus was important messanger however and Judaism didn’t address his role at all. That is why I was finally drawn to Islam because it answers all of those questions.

June 2, 2004

“Ask not what the State can do for you, but what you can do for the State”

June 2, 2004

Alisha says: Jesus was sent from God and was also perfect mankind isn’t Kit says: oh “oh” indeed. Mankind wasn’t sent from God? Then from where? And we were created in the “image and likeness of God” – perfect and incorruptible, so how can we “fall” and be corrupted? How can we be less than perfect (unless our creator is!). Obvious questions nicely summarised by your “oh”!

June 3, 2004

ryn: ya, that’s true… but it recognizes one God, which is most important in my view…

June 3, 2004

I feel that there is an element of God in all of us. I liked the philosopher Spinoza’s ideas about pantheism and God being everywhere, within everything.

June 3, 2004

RYN. Original sin. The only original sin I know of is the lies we tell our children in the name of God. That is the original sin we PERPETRATE UPON our babies and children. Anyone that thinks some kind of “original sin” already lies dormant within a baby has not witnessed the wonder of an innocent child – or they haven’t wanted to see that innocense however blatant it is.