Justice verse Forgiveness


RYN: Who is God? There are a lot of ways to answer that one.. but I will start with the simple stuff.. God is the creator of life, the bible says by Him all things were created, nothing that has been created has been created without Him.. just looking at that alone speaks of infinite power and wisdom and knowledge.. He is everywhere and knows all.. He is not limited by science as He created the

laws that govern it.. hence He is supernatural, outside of nature.. you have to be outside or separate from something to create it.. which is why I think it is funny when many Christians try and prove, or atheists try to disprove God by laws of science since He is beyond any and all of them.. The bible calls Him the alpha and omega.. the beginning and the end.. meaning He is eternal.. these are some of His attributes.. but they don’t necessarily speak as to who He is.. more what He is.. so I will speak of His character.. He is perfect, without flaw.. which is why sin is such an outrage to Him.. Being Just He has to punish sin.. the bible says He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.. at the same time He is merciful.. and does not want to punish us.. the bible says God is Love.. These parts of His character are revealed over and over throughout scripture.. I dont know if this answers your question.. but its at least a spring board.. [TheApostle]

A spring board indeed. …


I agree with you fully in all counts, it is just my pieces fit a little different.

The core of the dilemma is the notion of Justice verse Forgiveness. 
in my mind a perfect father is infinitely patient and forgiving. To me being perfect does not mean expelling from your presence those who most need help. In my mind, God is working hardest on those who sin. So as to help them help themselves. But what is this I am saying? That god forgives all sin regardless? Then why be good. Well you see god’s plan is perfect. And the Justice lies in the natural consequences of sin. That is to say the sin is its own punishment. Just as good deeds are their own reward.

Notions of heaven and hell are useful in that they take the place of punishment and reward to carry us until we realize the punishments and rewards built into god’s perfect creation.

the best way to be happy and the only path to lasting happiness to to avoid sin. and the surest way to increase the happiness is to do good deads.

selfishly try to maximize the happiness in your life in this way.

thus selfishness is godly

yet greed is still a sin.

So la, la, la la la la live for today!

Now, today, this eternal moment of now!

With love,



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there are stronger historical documents of Mohamad then Christ but both were great men so why fight? because Christ isn’t just a great man, he’s the Son of God. historically checked, Islam has more holes than Christianity. how can God be in and be everything? the creator can’t be the maker… is God in your clothes or your computer? i doubt it ~

oops- forgot to sign the note (above) ~my2brownii

Thanks for your note. I like the Hound too.

April 7, 2004

RYN:what is needed to get back to God is redemption, not some “connection” or “holy feeling”. if u read on the passage you quoted (which is John 1), it goes on to talk about the Light – which is Jesus. particularly v7 where it says “that all men through him might believe”. the only way to God is through Jesus. I also like verses 10 & 11. in fact, the whole chapter pretty much proves my point.

April 7, 2004

RYN (to your other note, lol): accepting Christ as your savior is simply believing with your heart that HE IS the Lord and our Savior, and confessing it with your mouth. If your heart is right, then you can’t help but change after asking Jesus into your heart to save you. He makes all things new, and with continual hunger to grow closer to Him comes the change in character…

April 7, 2004

…but He only does as much as we ask and let Him do in our lives. A person must be sincere, because God knows our hearts.

Are you sayin then, that Jesus lies to us when He says there is a hell, a place of gnashing teeth, and endless fires amd judgment.. if you are saying that you cannot say Jesus is God, becos to lie is to sin, ,to sin is to fall short, to err.. to be imperfect and as soon as God is imperfect, He ceases to be God.. I however believe that Jesus was very God of very God.. and thus did not lie..

Now as far as God ‘helping’ people rather than punishing them.. you have to realize.. the way He helps us.. is He gives Himself to us.. so we can give ourselves to Him.. however.. the bible says our iniquities separate us from.. so He cannot abide where there is sin.. hence Why Jesus had to die for our sins.. lastly.. in the end doesnt sin amount to the rejection of the gift of God? Therefore, He

does give us what we ask of Him.. He is everywhere.. BUT hell.. if we choose to reject and refuse Him.. He will put us where He is not.. rather than in heaven.. the place where there is no lamp or sun.. but God Himself lights the city..

A point of explanation.. He helps us by giving Himself to us.. becos we were created to find our pleasure IN HIM.. not in the world.. He is our source and our satisfaction.. so how can perfect love give us any less than that..