(FFR) Pain/Growth

FREE FLOW RANT!    Yes it is that time again, I have been neglecting my synopsis for far to long.


What of failure? What of Ignorance? What of Pain, and happiness, contentment? Duty? Morality? How does your pain help you grow, and the nature of sin.


Is there sin? For really if god is everywhere and all good, to say that there is a place where god is not (ether the heart of the sinner or in the sin itself) is to limit god. In this way even the shining angel Lucifer served god as did Christ. (excuse me to the folks who have been reading my wanderings, I have returned to my home tree: although apon return it seems lacking)


Yes yes I don’t have the heart for this right now, but I will put my concluding point to maybe cause someone else to see what even Moses could not.


You see it is the whole notion of no evil, it lays all actions and tragedies and sicknesses and death, squarely at the foot of a benevolent god.


The whole problem of pain. The only solution is that pain is Necessary and without pain we loose the greater good. For it is the pain that makes us grow.


This knowledge is a two edged blade. When Moses came to the burning bush he turned his head. For he was humble and loyal to his people. And it was good that he looked away, for if he gained the height to achieve the perspective of god. (looked into gods face) he would have lost his compassion and empathy for his tribes suffering which was great. So by not seeing how the enslavement of the Jews in Egypt, their pain and suffering, served the whole world, not seeing this allowed Moses the Empathy Necessary to free his people. The Knowledge of the greater good of pain would destroy your sense of empathy and compassion.  This sent him and his people into the desert where they found the wonders of god. And the law, an external record of what a world wise prophet feels would be the most pressing problems of the time. But even more profound than that, it was written down and preserved across the millennium; he started the habit of keeping a record of the history and the law. And he combined the god of wrath and weather with the god of Morality. Thus saying the reason there is pain and suffering in the world is for our own misdeeds.

And he never lead his people to the Promised Land, forty years in the desert and to no avail, talk about the most successful failure in religion. Never did make it home but found the Melcezdic and the Zoroastrians in the desert and were able to incorporate them into the law, for they knew there was only one god, thus all gods are god. And the cost for this gift of knowledge of a single good force, Is the covenant, the tool to ensure that (at least for the Jews) that a basic standard of decency should be followed.


We have been arguing over what this basic standard of decency is ever since.


And Ignorance is simply wisdom designed for someone else.



Contentment is the big one, and it is tied to expectations.

For true happiness one must hold no expectations. For when you feel entitled or when you hold expectations, they eventually are not met, thus you become unhappy for you do not have what you feel you should have.


Or to say it another way


You are focusing your intentions on what you want (and don’t have)

Rather then focusing on what you have, so what grows is your wants and the voids of what you don’t have,

Instead of what you want.


But if you focus on what you have and cultivate contentment then

From the state of contentment the things you wanted seem to just happen.


I think it was put best in a poem who I don’t know who wrote:


“those who go searching for love

only make manifest their own lovelessness

and the loveless never find love,

only the loving find love

and they never have to search for it.”



But sti

ll why does bad things happen to good people.


Well there is Job, who is humble and good, but is caused to grieve. It is interesting how this happens, for it reads like a Greek tragedy, however Job has no tragic flaw. The tragic flaw resides with God, oddly enough, it is the pride of God that brings about the suffering of Job. For it is the pride of god that Satan used to tempt god to torture a faithful. So this is not the whole of god, for the whole of god is flawless, but psalms 82 I think it states that “yea are GODS!” and Christ said that we are children of god, and that he was the son of god and this too we shall do. And we should be like him, a man who is god.”


So if we take this upon our selves we come to a deeper understanding.

In fact we are god. For really it is by our thoughts and deeds is gods work done on this world. Thus we are the active agent of god. For when the Breath of God first filled our lungs, we took with it the full power of creation. It is in this manner that our thoughts and actions ripple across all creation.


For we manifest our intentions.

And that which we focus on grows.

For if you focus on the pain or the void, it is that pain that grows.

But if one simply focuses on the good or on God then the good grows.



So I challenge you, when confronted with a problem or pain — attack it!  Dive right in to find the pearl inside, and the harder it is to get, the bigger the pearl.


For truly the only escape from a problem is to solve it, and the only way to solve it is to face it down, look it over and see what needs to be done, then do it.


All the distractions and escapes and hiding only keeps your focus on the problem, and the problem grows.


The only way out is to start focusing on solutions, and watch the solutions grow and the problem disappear.



With much love,


Your kit

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June 17, 2004

Would you let your baby touch a hot burner? If God is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving then why does he set us up to be doomed? Wouldn’t a father want to protect his children? It’s like we live in a glorified ant farm and only some of us survive the winter. Couldn’t he preprogram us to be good, instead of hoping we turn out ok and boost his ego? Seems kind of cruel to me.

June 17, 2004

ryn: a long horrible essay due in today that’s not finished yet…

when a person of faith looks, God sees;when a person of faith hears, God listens;when a person of faith talks, God speaks;when a person of faith feels, God knows;and when a person of faith learns, God understands. our bodies and minds are for his use. [formerly a son]

very good, very good. thank you for sharing this wisdom.

June 20, 2004

hmmm, maybe so. thanks for the intriguing ideas