Charlie Brown was existential!

Charlie Brown was existential!


Life has no real meaning so it is up to us make our own meaning. So in this reagard nothing really matters. So believe in what makes you happy cuz you can’t be wrong. You can’t life your own life if you give up control of it to someone else. Nechi, Greatness comes form within. You have to break an egg to make an Omlette.


A New way of Governing. Must first destroy what is there and use terrible means to do so. By this logic how is a lasting world religion set. You must first destroy what came before. Not wonder some gospels are so anti-Semitic.


Democrocy leads to degregration of culturer…?  Mass media corrupts us… Jazz, Rock and Roll, Rap, The Internet… all thouse slippery slopes. Sex and Violence and they are spilling over into religion.


Authoritative Verses. Libertarians. Can we really trust people to make their own choices. God does… why can’t we have a government that does.


Must we enforce our laws on others. …


“wouldn’t it be great if everybody…” yes I can see how it happens. But FREE WILL, come on.


The will to power… the most important tendency when we live is not the quest for happiness, it is we desperately wish to make a difference.

One or two or the whole world, all we want as humans is to be different, to make a difference. Good or Evil. Just make a difference. Hey if you can only live once you might as well make an impression.


I mean look at all the good things Hitler did and how much better the world became though defeating him. All the evil that he did served gods greater good. But you see god is just a figment of our collective imagination.


The horror of self awareness. I AM, I AM, I AM.


Today, Today, Today.


Now, Now, Now,

The little red headed girl. The problem is Charlie could talk to her. He could at any time have gone over and said hello, but he never does. Your Existence Precedes your Essence. That you are precludes what you are.


Christens in a Pumpkin Patch waiting for a God that will never show.


Today, today, today,


maybe the Silence is the answer to my praiers, it is god comforting me by letting me think what i like. so as long as god does not offer her oppinion when i ask. but must take care to listen, the silence and the still small voice sound a lot alike.

with love,


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i think i like you. mind if i stop back?

Thanks for the note, I still have to do a spirtual house cleaning. There was a lot of negitivity in the house when I moved in. I suffer from sever depression which doesn’t help the moood of the house or vice versa. I’m going to sit down one day and read your diary. I read a bits and pieces quickly and liked what I read.