oh look….a new entry…..
- Time is passing these days, faster than I can handle some days. That is why I havent written much, that and I havent had the patience.
- My baby boy started 4k this month, and he loves it, and amazingly he didn’t cry or complain he gave me a kiss and went right in! I was a little sad but relieved I have been an emotional wreck these days.
- Got into a huge fight with my sister in law and her disrespectful teenage brats, I will not be disrespected in my own home! It ended with my niece who means the world to me telling me that I am not her family, and that I have never been there for her. Really who pays for your cell phone bill?! It hurt a lot! There is like a big dramatic scene to this story but dont feel like getting into it sorry. Needless to say even though my sister in law has said before family should be able to fight and then get over it, they still arent talking to me much.
- I know its been over a month since my husbands best friend died but it hurts just the same.
- Pregnancy, well I am not 13 weeks, and ready for it to be done lol….i am learning to except it more, I even started talking to people more about it.
- Emotional I have been crying about everything, i was even talking to my husband and all he did was ask me what was in a tote and i started crying when i was telling him, um embarrassing i thought, he laughed a little because he knows i was because i don’t just cry like that.
- Is it too much to ask to just be happy? That is all i want right now!!!