Morning coffee…
Don’t you just love that first sip of coffee in the morning?! I didn’t get up as early as I wanted, but I’m awake. Husband was a little…can’t find the word because I didn’t wake him up and ask him if he wanted to shower with me. YA know some days I just want to get in the shower and out just as quickly. One kid is still sleeping. Gotta love spring break, where we don’t go or do anything fun. Speaking of which summer break is going to kill me. We have people coming to visit hopefully at separate times, but they both want to go to Disneyland and Universal studios, while I’m a kid at heart I don’t care to repeatedly go to places like that. Wayy to much money for one and way too many people for two. Husband says he doesn’t want to go to Disneyland anymore, he wants to do a family vacation with just us out of the state hell maybe out of the country, he really wants to go to Disney world with the kids. A place we haven’t been and where we can go and see what we want instead of everyone else’s opinion. Well husband is out of the shower guess I might write later. Yall have a good day!
Yes I do! I overslept this morning and still haven’t gotten back around to my coffee, and regretting it right now
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I’d be so miserable if I had to shower with my husband. Haha. I hear it’s supposed to be sexy, but someone is always cold and mostly I just want to shave my pits in peace.
@scarletibis Right! I’ve told him before I like to have room to shave lol and half the time we are constantly changing the water temp because someone is too cold or too hot lol
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showering with my wife? I didn’t even know that was an option. I’ve been missing out!
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