Holy WOW.
Never thought I would see the day when OD was up and running again! So happy about it though.
Looking back at all my old entries and my life is SO MUCH different now. What has it been 5 years now? Where to start?!
- Well I guess I’ll start when life changed. 3 years ago I moved 3,000 miles away from my home state. While I should feel so guilty for moving my family so far away from the rest of the family. I do not. Even though 3 close family members passed away, I haven’t let that get to me. Losing my dad has been hard, most days I am fine, but I do not regret our decision to move. My kids are so happy. The husband is doing so well out here with his job and life is perfect. The husband and I used to have so many issues, but now its like we fell in love all over again, everything is great including the sex. Our money issues aren’t like they used to be, we are finally doing well. I haven’t found a job yet, and my panic attacks are minimal now, still have social anxiety but not everything can change in an instant.
- I know everyone back home is going through something that they are in need of me, and I do the best I can but it tends to be exhausting at times. I just came back from a trip to Vegas with my Best friend. Holy hell it was a great experience. We can’t wait to do it again. The best friend has been having marital problems and needed a break from family time, but it wasn’t enough she is still struggling. Something on this trip happened to me, ill have to make an entire entry just for that topic. I just don’t have the time right now.
- So all in all, I am the happiest I have ever been. Life has changed and I’m honestly waiting for when it turns dark again.
Welcome back, glad to hear that you are happy where you are!
@thediarymaster thank you!
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Welcome back !
@edelweis thanks!
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Puppy Power!
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