Double entry day!!

I am so angry today, ugh and its driving me fricken crazy….I have put the kids in their bed twice today, yelled like a crazy person and it doesnt phase them, When my son isnt getting his way he is throwing the biggest fits, stomping, screaming, you name it. I am trying to hold myself together and its not working out so well. Everything is happening at once today!!! My outlook on the week is not looking good thats for sure. I am even getting fricken chest pains, this is how much anxiety I have right now….and i can sense a breakdown at any moment, I cant deal with this!!! a week thats all i have to then its quite possible it will all be over….i dont know if i can handle anymore this week, especially disappointment and I have alot of that these days too, go figure…YOU KNOW WHAT I AM DONE I CANT DEAL WITH THIS SHIT TODAY OR ANY DAY AFTER THIS!!

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