And a whole bunch of water.  : X


I auditioned this morning and the casting director said I was FANTASTIC and she wanted me to dance for her on the cruise lines!  She said that as soon as there was an opening (even though I’m so short, HARUMPH), she’d send me an e-mail!

Which could be days, which could be months.

Yet WHO CARES because it was my very first "Professional" audition and I KICKED ASS…
And they say you have to audition for around a year before you nail your first job…

ZOMG I’m so happy!


I promise I’ll return all y’alls lovely notes and tell you all about it later but I’m so hyper right now I can’t stay sitting…


†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black fleece sweatpants, black sports bra, pink/purple skintight shirt, black fleece jacket
Last ate::  Eggs, potatoes, meat with KETCHUP!
Feeling::  ECSTATIC!  ZOMG!

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February 3, 2007

I told you that you’d kick ass! Congrats! *big up-in-the-air spinny hugs*

Yay. Congrats. *hug*

February 4, 2007

I just said yesterday I was waiting for a big one and here it is. Good job. Now when you get it, blow. them. away. ~DK

congrats you’re on your way.

February 4, 2007

yay!! that’s great…congratulations, man, dancing is so GREAT!!!iloveit!!!!

February 4, 2007

YYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! As I said, my firnd worked on cruise ships and LOVED every second! She was a hairdresser. Well, she still is, but not on cruise ships anymore. PLUS, it’s a great way to get some major savings going. Good for you, this is an awesome experience!

February 5, 2007


February 5, 2007

yay! well done you! xx

February 5, 2007

I remember reading somewhere (or maybe it was Oprah) who said Ashton Kutcher’s first audition was for a television show. “That 70’s Show” to be more precise. And now he’s married to Demi Moore. You had one successful audition for a dancing job. Who knows? In a few years you may be married to Bruce Willis! (I envy that bastard!) Congratulations, though I’m going to miss our exchanges. Cya later

February 5, 2007

WOOO FVCKIN HOOO!!! XD M’ babeh, I are so proud of you, yes I am! Not only did you kick ass, but you tore a new one. x] EX-EE-FVCKING-LENT. I am so happy for you. FINALLY. Jesus Christ. xD Now you’re going to be a dancing ninjaPIRATE. ;] EH? EH?!