Yay for Blogthings!

Your Inner Child Is Happy

You see life as simple, and simple is a very good thing.
You’re cheerful and upbeat, taking everything as it comes.
And you decide not to worry, even when things look bad.
You figure there’s just so many great things to look forward to.



You Are Boyish Sexy

You’re the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys
Whether it’s holding your own in a game of touch football…
Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox.
You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness.



What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are confident and ready to tackle life.
You are pretty vain and happy with your physical appearance.
You are born to be the center of attention, and you’re unhappy on the sidelines.
You’re always up for trying something new – in and out of bed!

If you don’t get enough sleep, you: Look like hell

It’s hard to sleep next to you because: You toss and turn all night




Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISTP)

Your personality type is reserved, methodical, spirited, and intense.

Only about 6% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 8% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.




Your Inner Gender is Male

You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.
You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.
You truly don’t understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.
No doubt about it. You’re a guy – at least on the inside.





Never Date a Pisces

Sensitive, emotional, and unrealistically romantic – you are destined to break Pisces heart.
Don’t get fooled by a charming Pisces. They’ll be clinging to you by the end of the first date!

Instead try dating: Aries, Leo, Libra, or Aquarius





You Make a Great First Impression

You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones.
Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly.
Even if you’re not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to.

Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic.
You’re popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you.
Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression.



You Belong in 1971

Bold and brash, you take life by the horn

s. Whether you’re partying or protesting, you give it your all!




You’re an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone’s hot, you’ll go in for the kiss – end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug – your kisses are bound to get you in trouble





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January 14, 2008

oh i was about to do a bunch of these today! i think i will do them in a bit!

January 14, 2008

Fun! Fun! Fun! =)

January 14, 2008


January 15, 2008

I don’t think you’re so boyish. I’ve seen pictures that say otherwise. =)

January 15, 2008

Oh, my…. lol check out the quizzes! I haven’t done one of those in years. I remember them being really fun. RYN: I’ll look for you on AIM! I don’t get on much during the day, but I’m usually on in the evenings. Yay, I get someone to chat with! Lol. In regards to your last post (too lazy to go back and note it separately), I will SOOOO watch SYTYCD? and cheer you on if I recognizeyou!! What channel is it on?? Fox or ABC, right? I bet you’re SO stoked! You’ll totally make it this time. and Kelly sounds wonderful 🙂

January 16, 2008

i beg to differ on their claim that i’m emotional and sensitive.

January 19, 2008

hey i’m dating a pisces. and i’m a virgo, actually born a day away from leo so you could date me!

January 20, 2008

They’re always so addicting. @__@