Woo… I have some free time.

I have a little bit of free time so I’m going to write stuff.

Free time, mind you, is very general in my terms.  The only pressing thing I have to do is listen to my mom yelling at me fold clothes, put away the dishes, prepare for competition, choreograph two dances, deal with a shitload of my exes, and master a few moves before next week.  But nothing that has to be done in the next five minutes, so I’m relaxing.

My list of hurt body parts is as follows- foot, tailbone, and finger.  So, I’m not doing too bad.  I compete in a week.  ::puts herself in a protective bubble::

Randy, my marine ex… deploys in exactly one week.  I don’t know what to do, so I’m ignoring it.  However, tonight I will probably talk to him so I’m really nervous…

Craven, another ex of mine, had his girlfriend go psycho and wind up in a ward.  Tried to kill herself.  I didn’t hear it from him, but from a mutual friend- Craven and I don’t talk too much anymore- and from what I heard, he took it a little roughly.  Which… as no one knows but Jeana… is very very understandable.  His last major girlfriend went psycho… very psycho… and the only reason I know this is because I was his last major girlfriend.  I really feel bad for Craven… he really just tries to live his life, but… I don’t know.  I just feel bad for him.  He talked to me yesterday (when supposedly Craven found out his girl went psycho) and he seemed really fine… and today he was good, too… so I guess you could say I have no idea what the fuck is going on.  I’m thinking I should call him, maybe.  I don’t know if I’m the person he needs to hear from or not, considering what I put him through.  But I know he still loves me, so maybe that is what he needs.  Who the fuck knows.

I broke up with Jason, too, so I’ve added another ex on the line.  I attempt to keep track, but I always end up skipping someone.  ::thinks for a moment::  Tyler, Chris, Dele, Devon, Alex, Randy, Craven, Randy, Ben, Toby, Greg, Jason, Sean, Mike, Craven.  I think that’s it.  Fifteen?  I don’t know.  Maybe more.  I don’t remember.  >.<

My parents are going to the grocery store, so I’d better get offline in case anyone important tries to call… Randy… Jeana…

I’m just so … full of pent-up and suppressed emotions it’s driving me crazy.  Sigh.


Mcl.   -Inmate


Oh, yea, and anyone reading this… click on these links for me!!!… I would be forever indebted to ya, homie… : D  Juggalos Unite!!


ICP Recruiting Link


ICP Website

class=HL align=center>http://ut.netmusicpromotions.com/2pve63761j799.html

Fear Factory Recruiting Link


Fear Factory Website

class=HL align=center>http://ut.netmusicpromotions.com/312j637611f4q.html

class=HL align=center> </TABL

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May 8, 2007

Links are unclickable. sorry. lol. WOW! THOUSANDS of ex’s. lol. Just kidding. I actually have none. That’s right zero. nada. I’ve went out a lot, but have never actually called someone a girlfriend in my life. That is weird, I know, especially for an old man. I think I’m normal. lol. Well, after typing that, I dunno now. lol. But ah, well. I guess if I did, I’d have had no toys, right? LMAO

May 8, 2007

Do I dare ask what happened with you & Craven? Craven or Kraven The Hunter was a Hairy chested villain of Spiderman. lol Do you stay in contact with all of the exes? Did Randy make it okay in Iraq? And damn, you had a lot of shit there. Do/Did you handle stress well? I hope so. Gotta minimize it. Again, the more injuries, the more you pay later. Trust me. 🙁 It suuuuux. How are you now?