Watch out, I spray milk!

I complete barista certification at Starbucks either tomorrow or beginning of next week!!  WOO HOO Throw a party and I’ll make the coffee!!  😀  I worked ON THE BAR today and no one returned their drink complaining it tastes like shit.  WOOO!  And one of my learning coaches gave me a ‘Knowledgable’ reward card to post on the staff board; on the back she’d written "Awesome job today, you must have been a barista in a past life!"  And that card means the world to me cuz I’m trying so hard!  There’s so  much material I feel completely overwhelmed… but that small card means my efforts are not going unnoticed!
I got to wear my awesome green apron today.  😀  I’m so excited.  Such a dork.  XD  Life is SO better this way.

By the way, I am AWESOME at covering myself in steaming milk as I am making lattes.  I even got myself good with a pump of vanilla syrup one time.  My fellow baristas have all had a good chuckle at my expense.  Heh.  But I get things done and that’s what matters, right???? 
I’ve already had a customer come to the counter, point at me and my learning coach who are yucking it up over the fact I’ve got 170 degree milk all over the counter AND ME (but the customers doesn’t see the milk mishaps-WHEW) and request, "Can I have what they had!?"  HAHA.

By the time I get home around midday I’m wiped.  But it’s okay, because my espressos kick in for dance classes and through evening I’m hyper as shit, running around and lecturing in a high pitched voice.  My girls now think I’m SUPER insane.  I’ve made it a point to patiently explain to my classes that I now work at a coffee shop so classes will become a little more intense than usual.  Lol.
I got a good night’s sleep last night and today at home before I got to the studio I said, "Fuck everything you need to/think you need to, lay down and close your eyes."  I felt SO much better after 5 minutes (especially since I had a purring cat next to me)… so I’m learning that might be something I should make a habit.  🙂

I keep adding more and more to my schedule so I’m not sure how long I will last going full tilt before a massive breakdown HOWEVER… I can’t wait to make my first deposit of the year.  It will be about $1500, the amount made in 4 weeks.  I’m not putting in full hours (or receiving tips) at Starbucks yet either.  During the summer or last year my weekly earnings were around $150. 
Look at me go! 

Driving is going alright.  My dad is now picking on the little things and I have to try super hard to stay relaxed when he tells me I’ll never be allowed on the streets because I forgot to roll up his window before I turned the car off. 

I really am proud of everything that I’m doing and accomplishing… gotta remember that.

That’s my life in a nutshell at the moment!  Or… a coffee cherry.  That’s more appropriate.



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October 2, 2008

when i saw the title i was like oh my GOD SHES PREGNANT cause like.. lactating… … but youre not. i LOVE coffee. mmm.

October 2, 2008

I am very happy to read that things are going well for you; you deserve a great deal of happiness. It is great that driving is going well; you’d think that cars would be smart enough to roll their own damn windows up. I am a coffee fiend. I write essays about how much I love it. That is what happens when you drink too much coffee and can’t sleep. :c)

October 2, 2008

That is fantastic. And my dirty mind went in a very different direction when I read your title. *laughing*

bwahahaha sounds like you’re having an awesome time at Starbucks. 😛 Don’t let your coworkers fool you, as much as they may try to brush it off and deny, you KNOW they used to spray themselves with shite in the store. 😛 Amusing anecdote you made me think of, I used to work at Petco, and I was told to eat a dog cookie cause everyone else had … so I did … coworkers are jerks. 😛

October 3, 2008

Good for you darlin’. Sounds like things are looking up. Just remember to relax and breathe once in a while as life gets more and more hectic, and I think you’ll do just fine. Now, how do I go about getting some free coffee…? 😉

October 3, 2008

You make me wan to go work at Starbucks.

October 5, 2008

good for u. instead of studying for a hard @ss test i have tomorrow i’m surfing the net. certain conditions must be met before i can drop the ‘wannabe’ from my title. eat fruit or other natural things to get energy…coffee will only lead to bad things.

October 5, 2008

Someone’s going to have to change your nickname from “Inmate” to “Tweak” (Like that caffeine-addicted kid on “South Park”. Glad to hear everything’s going good for ya!

October 9, 2008

Congrats! You’re working as a Batista? Do you get to sit down power bomb people…oh, Barista. crap. sorry. 😉 Coffee + K = SUPER hyper, imo. lol. Do they give it to you free to take home? 😉 And you driving is scary. 😉 jk. Practice makes perfect. Keep it up, kid. I’m proud of ya. 😉 Be good. {X}

October 16, 2008

RYN: LOL yeah I know eh…Lets just say I didnt vote for her & I cant say I’ve seen any improvement since. Although the prime minister that let the 18 yr olds + alcohol was a woman too…that was a good idea!!! *LOL*