
Keep all junk food away from me…

I’m having one of those grumpy "I’m gonna have my period so my body wants CRAP!"  days.


*Eats junk anyway* 
Yes and I’m breeding fish.
Damn Fish Tycoon.  >.<

RAWR!  ::makes claw hands and swipes at air::



Wearing::  Same thing as ten minutes ago. 
Consuming:: A Pop-Tart.  ARRRRRRRGH!

…Heh heh heh.

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June 30, 2008

Hope you are feeling better!

June 30, 2008

yeah me too. stupid junk food

June 30, 2008

Is breeding fish some sort of euphemism? Hope you feel better soon. The body knows what it wants.

June 30, 2008

….unsure what all that means…, but…. EEEWWWW?!?!?

July 2, 2008

Hmmm, maybe i’ll have a cherry poptart. Hope your feeling better.
