Updation Melangation- I’m makin up words again…

I’m finally watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy!  (::pauses entry to receive the applause of amazed readers/passerby::)  I finally read the books- for the longest time I’d owned the set yet refused to read them because they’re not really my style.  I’m more of a Star Wars kid – that’s 62 books and still growing on one of my bookshelves.  You can’t get much better than Star Wars.  But I’ve discovered that I really love the Lord of the Rings books, JRR Tolkien is an amazing storyteller.  I tried watching the movies before I read the books (heh heh heh) and thought the movies were shitty and thus didn’t watch ’em.  HOWEVER, now that I’ve read the books, I love the movies.  Well, the first one.  That’s as far as I’ve gotten.  The things are damn long!  My mom keeps makin’ fun of me; all I hear is, "What are you reading?  OOH, Lord of the Rings!  Can’t put them down, can you?  Huh!?  TOLD YOU that you’d love ’em!  You’re just like me when I was your age…"  Gah.  I love her and all but… Gah. 
I watch ‘The Two Towers’ tonight.  : D 
I’m sick right now but being sick doesn’t slow me down much anymore- I’ve spent half of my life being sick.  However I have fully recovered from my crazy, raving last entry.  I’ve made a full return to my "Life is grand, nothing can hurt me" attitude that makes me the special one.  ::rolls eyes::
I’d gone to Best Buy two mornings ago to return my dvd recorder and they gave me a new one- this one seems to work so much better (It’s a newer versio, too!) it’s amazing.  I must have gotten the one in a million broken machines.  Then again, this is family luck- I inherited it.  ^_^  I have yet to finalize a disc, which I must do tomorrow as I have to re-record all of my dance work, but if the disc finalizes… my life truly is grand!
If dance doesn’t work out for me in my career (*Gasp*- heaven forbid!!!), I suppose I’ll go into the military.  I don’t know which branch:  the Marines are for big, stupid males, the army is for wimps, the Coast Guard… I don’t like swimming, the Navy… ehhh maybe I guess, and my brother’s in the Air Force as well as was my father.  And the National Guard is just weird.  But I don’t think I’ll have much choice in the matter if I want to pay for my schooling.  I could take out loans, but… it would be difficult and I really don’t want to live the rest of my life indebted some $50,000.  That would make me grumpy.  Besides, I always wanted to go through BASIC just to see how I’d do. 


Wearing::  Bleach splattered, dark gray, cut-off sweatpants, maroon Reebok athletic top, and Nikes. 
Last ate::  1/2 cup applesauce.  The only weird thing about me being sick is the fact that I don’t have an appetite.  O.o
Feeling::  Exhausted.  I just danced/worked out for an hour and a half- with me being sick and not eating right, as well as not having danced for a full week… that’s pretty impressive.  Well, I’ve been working out.  I work out every day… unless I’m sick.  But that’s only been a day or two that I’ve been relaxing.  But of course my frickin body fat went up 2% again.  ::sulks::

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