Updation, fool.

Time:: middle of the day sometime
Wearing:: See through light yellow sweats & a black muscle tank that says Focused on Dance
Listening to::  Whatever’s on the tv.  I think it’s Spongebob.
Last ate::  Two small pieces of bread, some fajita chicken and potato salad. 
I lied in my last entry.  there were more like 60 routines that my  hip hop got in fifth.  But whatever.
Not too much is up.  My mom’s office hours have increased, so I’m up at the studio nine hours a day.  I enjoy it, but it’s rough waking up in the morning because I go home at 9 , eat, and then do some chores because I haven’t been home all day.  Then I sleep at twelve, and wake up and go again.  It’s pretty rough sometimes.
But I called Nathan yesterday, and realized that I could still drag his punk ass to prom with me.  I called Tommy, but didn’t get ahold of him.  He probably dropped his phone in the toilet again while he was sniffing.  The cracker.
Yea, prom is coming up.  It’s not too exciting, but I’m getting more psyched.  I just have to find the right person to go with.  Right now I’m scheduled to go with Greg but we’d end up fighting (physically) halfway through the night.  I’d go with Kelly, but I don’t know… Kelly’s my brother.  It would be odd to go to prom with a kid so close he’s practically you’re brother.  So why not drag Nathan?  He’ll run his mouth, but he’ll shut up when I want him to because … he will and I can. 
My 18th birthday is on Good Friday (four days).  Jeana’s taking me out to do something, I have dance in the morning, and then Nathan’s taking me somewhere.  We’ll see how it goes with Nathan on Friday or Saturday or whenever I see him, and then I’ll decide whether or not me and Jeana can handle him at prom all night. 
I don’t think there’s much else going on, really… Jeana took me to Barnes & Nobles yesterday.  I was pretty excited.  I bought another Star Wars book and another book by Katherine Kerr.  My Star Wars book collection is up to 55 now, I think.  It’s pretty impressive.  But I’ve gotten really behind because they upped the book prices and I got mad.  But I’m behind now because I protested, and now they’ve got all of the novels out from before The Phantom Menace and I’m screwed.  I’ve only invested in the after novels… and I went on Sunday and I realized that they finally fucking finished the Yuuzhan Vong series and have started on a new one.  Hell, Han Solo’s old now, fool.  He’s still my hero though.  I can’t believe Harrison Ford didn’t want to even play Han Solo.  That would have been the worst mistake he would have ever made if he would have denied the role.  Oh, yea, the books.  And I only have a few of the Yuuzhan Vong series because it started getting so long, and I started reading a few at the library, and I was just like UGH.  And now there’s like 15 books.  And I already started the freaking set so I need to finish it.
Damn, I am a loser.   
(The smiley face proves it.)   

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May 9, 2007

The smiley proves it? lol. How are the books? I could never get into the expanded universe as much. I loved the comics & got a few here & there, including the OLD school Marvel ones, but never sampled the books. And I agree, if Harrison Ford never played Han Solo, who knows where we might be right now? 😉 lol. He was the shit, seriously. Perfect for the role & he shot 1st, shame on u Lucas!