Two Pea’d Pods (Or One Pod, Two Peas)

Wow.  I don’t even know where to begin.

I just had one of the most amazing nights of my life. 

It’s called incredible Italian food and a little bit of live jazz to accompany the type of burgeoning, sickening love story that I typically despise.


I truly think that God put Craven on this Earth and three months later says, "Oh, shit, I ALMOST forgot-" and adds Inmate.

I can’t even make sense out of the night yet.  Maybe I’ll write about it in the morning.
I’m just still trying to be so careful around him because I know I am NOT going to handle well either me leaving him or him leaving me (for business).  HE may not be worried about him missing me but I am going to be a wreck.   
Naturally I want to open myself up to him in all possible ways, but I’m still trying to cushion myself from creating intense ties that will come kick me in the ass later.
Caution though… caution has all but been thrown outta the window.  Which makes me want to be even more careful.  Yeeeep.


But I have contacts now!  So I can see stuff!  I can’t wait to dance in them!  : )
I have more 9 hour days this week so it’ll be awesome!  I’m so excited!

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  White jeans, black/red/white top thingy
Feeling::  Very little could break my great mood at the moment.
Last ate::  Veal Canneloni and Tiramisu.  *Drools all over again*
Drinking::  Mandarin Orange Spice tea.

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July 21, 2007

woot! first note! congrads on the contacts. i’m surprised you can dance without them. and yay for u and craven

July 21, 2007

Yea for amazing nights and you will love, love, love dancing with contacts!! =)

July 22, 2007

Ohmigoodness. You and I are so alike. I love my contacts, I never take them out. Then I get yucky eye infections. Yay dancing in contacts. But girlie, take your damn contacts out!!!! Mkay? Mkay. Yayy Craven. 🙂

July 23, 2007

Good Luck with everything both with Craven & Dancing. You shall succeed in both areas depending on how much work & compromise you put in. Always do your best, K. I’ll have to not do any more flirting or sexual ineundo. A good friend will try harder. 😉 I either have to not be a good friend or try harder. lmao. 😀 sorry. Seriously, hope all is going well & You are doing good. All the best, {X}

July 23, 2007

Think about how this phrase looked from a brain damaged wrestler: Inmate: “But I have contacts{dancing friends who will give me breaks} now! So I can see stuff{happening thanks to them}! I can’t wait to dance in them{their pants to get ahead}! LMAO. Actually, I must have breezed that thinking you had contacts & could see the future happening in LA soon. I just added the joke on the 3rd sentence.

July 23, 2007

hahaha you sound so much like me in this entry. Im glad you found someone who has caught your interest though. You need that in your life! Thanks for the notes…I miss hearing from ya! 😉

August 1, 2007

MADAME has GLASHES?! :O Absurdity! Ich can never get contacts into meine eyes. xDD Hee hee.