Tube on Over at 0415 with Rudolph, kay?

Sunday I went tubing for the first time with all of Jeana’s college buddies.  It was a blast. 
We cheered on the bridge jumpers, jeered at the cops when the jumpers got arrested, nearly got arrested ourselves for obnoxious comments (BACON ON THE HILL!  THAT PIG HAS BOOBS! and other assorted variety).  I eventually jumped out of the tube thingy and swam.  There’d been too much sitting still for me. 
Apparently everyone has to be drunk to go tubing.  The bus that took us back to the car was worse than any school bus I have ever been on. 
And believe me, I have fucked up my share of school buses!

Monday Kelly and I hung out.  He didn’t leave until 0415 (wait, that was this morning!  ).  We made S’Mores– the first time I’ve ever made the things; I was deprived as a child -authentically over a little fire in a corner of our backyard.  It was very bad ass and they were AMAZING*Drools*  Then we watched tv for the longest time.  And there’s nothing on after 0100.  *Sulk*

Today I auditioned for an Ultimate Christmas Musical (A play about krazee elves…?).  I sang and read lines from a script.  …Right.  I’m a DANCER.  But apparently I think I can be in a play, too!   Yaaay!  ::applauds herself at the risk of sounding weird::
The choreographer lady was like, "So you sing?"
I said, "Well, not really.  (*Gets excited!*)  But I breakdance!" 
She was like "Oh.  …Okay…"
Ehh, heh heh heh.  It was a great experience but I would be hella surprised if I got any kind of part, lol.  Although I went with a fellow dance teacher so it wasn’t as stressful as it would have been by myself.
I definitely sang a few bars of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and managed to successfully mess up the lyrics.  Whatever.  I tried and that’s what’s important!!
Except I now look kinda cute and I’m not doing anything but sitting here.  Sigh.  I don’t like wasting moments when I actually look decent.
Oh, and leaving the theatre on a grassy knoll, I tripped and flailed about.  Myself and my companion laughed good-naturedly (I fall quite a bit, actually…), I stood back up and we continued.  Two steps later I tripped again and completely wiped out.
It took MAJOR skill let me tell you.
(This major skills brought to you only by your neighborhood dancer…)

Kells is havin a get-together at his house on Friday.  Not sure if I’m gonna go.  I really want to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves me again but, well, Craven’s gonna be there. 
Frankly, Craven and I have barely talked in the past week (I don’t really know why, I guess we’ve just been busy?) and it makes me nervous.  I don’t want there to be any drama.  Kells doesn’t need to be worried about me when he’s trying to enjoy his last few days in Austin.
Mildly complicated situation.  Not worth losing sleep over.

So my days off (only teaching two days a week!) have been good so far.
Peace and health-

†   INMATE  †

Wearing::  Ridiculously bright lime green booty shorts peeking out from under fuzzy black shorts of the same persuasion (Tee hee, my ass is fuzzy!), black halter and black sports bra.
Last ate::  Frozen mixed berry yogurt
Drinking::  Clear Raspberry Kool-Aid with the bare minimum of Splenda to make it drinkable.
Feeling::  Pumped up and tired at the same time.  See-saw anyone?

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August 14, 2007

Good times! We use to have a school anthem we’d all have to sing & practise for church (yes I was a christian school boy) I luved singing too fast, too slow, too loud or too quiet & f*cking up all the words…& getting everyone to laugh…

August 14, 2007

I’m up for see-saw! Oh, and Twilight Zone is on at 1am where I live. I watch it a lot as I’m usually still up at that time! My sister, her ex, and my niece went tubing a couple weeks ago. They said it was awesome. Especially since one of their tubes was filled with beer. hee hee I don’t really need the alcohol. I’m crazy enough without it! ha ha

August 14, 2007

One more thing…. it’s not the falling, it’s the getting up that shows your grace. =)

August 14, 2007

Well, You’ve been tubing and you’ve had smores…How incredibly amazing…If you were me and I was you and I died, I’d be happy and feel complete. 😀 So, do you think you got a part in the musical? 😀 How exciting would that be? Sounds like your days have been full of good times and this makes me happy. You take care of yourself and have a great night. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

August 14, 2007

lol you sound like me sometimes. Its ironic that we dedicate our bodies to do incredible things that require lots of balance and at times our balance and grace really suck.

August 15, 2007

Yay for cuteness and a light schedule!

August 15, 2007

I can never remember the lyrics to Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer, and screw them up whenever I try to sing them. I’m sure the Ultimate Christmas Musical could TOTALLY use a break-dancing elf 😉

good luck on the try outs!!

August 15, 2007

your a dancer? thats funny so am I. I’ve been taking ballet since i was 3, and now im on a jazz/hiphop team and we are competing at Nationals in florida. anyway its cool you breakdance, i tried once but my hands started hurting so i stopped lol.

August 18, 2007

I too, have never had a “s’more”. Why are they called “s’mores”? You never ended up burying the s’more in the backyard, did you? Dig it up in the future. {{{YUCK!}}} Now why do you suppose you’re so clumsy, when you can dance so spectacularly? Shouldn’t your very steps be like dancing on clouds..? Or something of that nature…

August 18, 2007

As for the party… It’s difficult to see. I’ve never been one for the “dramatics” that plague your average relationships. I think you should go, cherish your time w/ your friend. If Craven gets weird, avoid a confrontation at the party. I know this is easier said than done, but it’d be worse if you avoided the party altogether. You’d feel terrible. Go! Have fun! Don’t sweat the small stuff.

August 18, 2007

A third note? Guess I have a lot to say. If things do get strange, just trip and fall. Apparently this gets you and whoever you’re accompanying, laughing, and laughter is good for the soul. Have a nice weekend!

August 18, 2007

Good luck with your elvish adventure.