To the point… – EDIT

So, I’m in Dallas again…
My studio is competing this week and I decided to come.  My vacation, dammit!

I’ll try not to get into too much trouble this time.  ; )

(Yea, right… I’ll let you know how THAT one goes…)



Wearing::  Baggy black pants with straps hangin’ all off, purple/black top that hangs off my shoulder and has virtually no back, black sports bra, and my DCs with their dark pink, green, blue, and hot pink laces.  Yes, there are 4 laces on my shoes.
Last ate::  Some edamame, wasabi peas, and ranch pretzels.  Hurry up Justin, I’m HUNGRY.
Feeling::  Adventurous.  I’m right next to SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  O.O  I guarantee you I will be at Six Flags at least once during my trip.  And I will ride the Titan at least 5 times.  Mmmm, Titan. 



I spent last night in a little kid baseball field (AFTER dinner! I paid, which I thought was only fair since he had to drive an hour just to get to my hotel, not to mention how many times I got him lost.).
I did handstands on 3rd base, ran the sprinkler lines… but mainly managed to hold fairly still and sit in outfield and stare at the stars with a homie of mine (I also met from SYTYCD).  We talked for a long time.  It was nice.
He made the comment, "[Inmate] you’re super comfortable to be around and talk to even though you never hold STILL."
Shucks… I really thought I’d been doing good at the whole holding still thing, too, heh.


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June 10, 2008

im n dallas and havent been to six flags in a minute. maybe sometime this summer. hope u hav fun

June 10, 2008

haaaaaaaaaah yay. don’t stay out of trouble.. trouble is the best đŸ™‚

June 10, 2008

What happens in Dallas stays in Dallas!!! ** giggling ** Enjoy!

June 10, 2008

oohh have fun in dallas. i’ve never been!

June 10, 2008

That’s tremendous! Do you expect to be meeting up with a certain someone?

June 10, 2008

RYN: Its a spiritual / mythical monster / water monster in maori tradition. Sometimes the government has to ask permission to EG: build something on the waters edge & buy off the maori to bless it & ward off the taniwha Lil Jon’s the sh*t…loud little f*cker, but the sh*t none the less

June 11, 2008

Have fun in Dallas and do get in trouble…but nothing you can’t get out of. lol

June 11, 2008

*laughs* I’m sure it seemed like forever to you. =)