Titles are thought about last.

It’s my dad’s b-day Tuesday. 
The family was supposed to go out to church and eat today (we got a gift certificate) but my mom feels ill.  (Fine with me; my interesting faith notwithstanding I don’t like church- it’s stuffy, it’s boring, it’s full of old people, and they prattle on about the same thing every week.)
My dad walks out of their bedroom and says officially, "I think it’s intestinal."

FALSE!  Go to jail!  Directly to jail!
She’s sick over a breaking heart, you moron.  : /
Things have been nuts between them and my mom finally opened up to me after one of their rampages.

I didn’t like what I heard.  At all.  But there’s nothing I can do because I can’t come between them and it isn’t about me.  They’re both my parents and no matter what, I love them
That’s a bond that can never be broken.

Knowing all this does put me in an awkward situation (one day maybe I’ll be able to talk about it) but I’m glad someone told me why the fuck the two of them keep waking me up in the wee hours in the morning screaming.  Plus, my mom doesn’t have anyone she trusts enough to talk to so I’m glad she finally was able to get it off her chest.  We did this over ice cream in a Sonic drive thru.  : )
If only I could do the same for my dad. 
But I don’t relish the game of dual counselor.  *Cringe*  This one-man thing is bad enough.
I’m so glad I don’t drink.  They say caffeine isn’t the best for you but I declare it’s better than alcohol and at the rate I’m going… sheesh!  I’ll take coffee anyday!  (I REALLY need to invest in some decaf…)

Jeana goes back to college today.  : (  Bye Jeana!
Kelly goes back to California tomorrow.  :*(  Bye Kelly!
My parents were extremely grumpy at me a few nights ago… I didn’t come home until 0530.  Baaad juju, especially saying I said I was going to be home at 0100.  I was just watchin’ tv though.  X-Files!!!  Oh, how I miss thee!
I figure my mom thought I was out having krazee monkey sex all through the wee hours of the morning.  ::shakes her head dramatically::  The pessimist! 

I actually talked to Craven once in the past week!  Go us! 
I think I’m gonna go hole myself up in my room for a while with some more coffee.  ^_^  Go for a run eventually…  Sigh.
Maybe Kelly and I will go do something again.  Every time he comes on leave we spend more and more time together- it’s kinda funny, actually.
Last night we watched some old sci-fi Japanese movie about starfish aliens coming to save the world.  I laughed so hard I choked and cried.  I love old shit like that.  : )

And once again I find myself behind in noting.  I will catch up with y’all soon.
Promise!!  : ) 
Peace out, ninjas and ninjettes-

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black and white plaid boxers that say DANCE, white and black sports bra, white and black armband.  Welcome to what Inmate wears to sleep, lol.
Last ate::  Oatmeal with soymilk topped with Honey Bunches of Oats.  (I can’t quite give up my box cereal in the morning so I compromise!)  And of course my coffee… and I think I dipped 1/2 a chocolate chip cookie in it.
Feeling::  Tired.

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August 19, 2007

The ability that ice cream possess to bring two people to the point where they are willing to share feelings is amazing. Good luck with your dad. ~DK

August 19, 2007

when my parents finally opened up to me about what was going on i kind of wish it never happened, but then again they thought i was mature enough. still, you have to take it in stride.

August 19, 2007

My parents both vent to me, so I know the feeling. *hugs* X-Files!

August 19, 2007

I love sonic. I love California. I love ice cream, I love running. I’m glad you and your mom talked. I know how it feels to be physically sick from a broken heart. Stay strong!

August 19, 2007

Have you ever seen Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Sci-fi? The series is over, and it’s not on-air anymore, but the whole premise of the show was certain characters making fun of old japanese movies like that. It was hilarious. I loooooooooooooooove caffeine. I just woke up (in the afternoon too, stupid me) and the first thing I did was go in the kitchen to grab a nice cold, caffeinated Pepsi 🙂

August 19, 2007

Sorry about your parents. It’s hard to not feel in the middle. Big hugs. =)

August 20, 2007

with all the notes you get i’m amazed you keep up at all. i’m sure your dad would appreciate it. hehe krazy monkee sex

August 20, 2007

it’s a very strange feeling to know exactly how someone feels… I’m going thru the same with my parents, tho i must admit it’s making me think dif. of my dad. And I used to watch x-files all the time.. if I missed an episode it was taped! Mom’s are all pessimists

August 21, 2007

thanks for the note.. 🙂

August 24, 2007

p.s. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds rule! Maybe they have healing tendencies since my back started to feel better after eating a few cups of those with Soy Milk. The one w/ the Omega-DHA in it mixed with the Unsweetened one. Mmmhhhhmmm. 🙂 Are you eating normal meals or are we just starting to eat the same things? hm. Depends, I definitely won’t be eating some of your previous Delicatessens 😉