
TICKING-  Rather old-school, almost a forgotten art. : /  This involves short movements of the body with brief pauses in between.  This is faster than strobing.

STROBING-  Often lumped together with ‘ticking’, strobing is the ability of one’s body to mimic the appearance of being under a strobe light.  It involves short, ticking movements.

POPPING-  Often confused with locking, popping is actually faster than its counterpart.  It is the new-fangled form of ticking.

LOCKING-  Longer movements created by suddenly acquiring or losing tension in many areas of the body at once.  The robot is a form of this.

KRUMPING-  A spiritual dance of the hood; high energy, release of violence and aggression.  (Rize is a great movie to look into this culture.)  Inmate looks very funny trying to krump- but I definitely try, LOL.


I’ll leave it up to you to find videos if you want them because I have no sound on my computer… but you can link them to me and I can check them out and be like, "Yes that’s it."  Or, "Umm… that’s whack."  : ) 
Any other questions?  Let me know and I’ll answer (if I can)!


Wearing::  Yellow shirt that says POWERED, and gray, white, maroon basketball pants with a white sweatband.
Feeling::  Hungreh.  Tired.  I think my trip is just now startin’ to hit me.
Last ate::  CHEESE CURDS!  HELL YEA I love Wisconsin!  : D  That’s some good shit!
Listening to::  Some weird ass leprachaun movie.  Happy St. Patty’s Day, by the by. 

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March 17, 2007

Err no I haven’t seen it but I’ve seen trailers for it so that’s why I thought it might be relevant! Later.

March 17, 2007

You should tape yourself doing examples of each! =)

March 17, 2007

RYN:jd=a girllmfao

March 17, 2007

Well thank you for that lovely tutorial. Believe it or not, but I actually knew what “Krumping” was. I’d seen the film maker’s of one such film on “The Late Late Show w. Craig Fergusson” a while ago. It’s a film I’d always wanted to see, but sadly am unable to find anywhere around these parts. Looks cool, though.

March 17, 2007

Man, I had to read that title twice…bloody males *lol* RYN: Aw cheers, but I dont look orange or have green hair…hahahaha Oompa Loompa, doompady doo, I have candy & puppies in the car for you >=) *lol* We dont get the same B-Kizzels ad’s as you guys…but ballerinas in a gas station sounds pretty lame…

March 17, 2007

ryn: Are you from there?? (thanks for the note!)

March 18, 2007

oooh i saw them doing krumping on americas next top model (my guilty pleasure)

March 18, 2007

w00t!! Girl..donate! *huggles* I like the movie, “You Got Served” THAT was AWESOME!

March 18, 2007

Ryn’s: Yes that’s the same pile o’ crap the city seems to dump for me to shovel back into the street. Seems like a moot point, don’tcha think? As for Eva’s pic.., You don’t like? It’s the only one I could find that didn’t have her posing in a skimpy bikini. I don’t personally find her all that attractive, and didn’t want reader’s to think I had a “whatever” for her. Welcome home & keep dancin’!

March 18, 2007

Thanks for the note- Ive never hard cheese curds. sounds good? ~

March 19, 2007

Hey I am back, thanx for the notes. Can’t wait to hear from you…

March 19, 2007

i thought krumping and popping was some sexual lingo. i guess i was mistaken :^/

March 19, 2007

RYN: That can’t be the only one you’ve gotten. Check 10 Down!

March 19, 2007

RYN: holy crap i want to learn so badly…go learn and teach me and i’ll give you a cookie or something…lol no really though i thinkbelly dancing is such a kick ass art form and a great way to loose weight

March 19, 2007

RYN: *smiles* I wish I could see your happy dance. Hehe.

March 19, 2007

RYN: I’m pretty sure you can go to my diarist profile and find my favorites list from there. That might help. =)

March 21, 2007

That’s pretty tight. :3 Imma go look up some videos right nao/night rao.

March 25, 2007

haha…i’ve tried to krump before..it’s not really pretty…i guess you either got it or u don’t..lol…i’ve seen rize though…i loved it…