Things I learned on vacation…

  1. Northerners talk VERY fast. 
  2. While we’re on the subject- thugs up north think they’re baller but would get their ass beat down here just because of the way they talk.
  3. It is almost impossible to fill out the necessary paperwork after you’ve made the first cut at So You Think You Can Dance auditions because your hands shake so bad from excesses of adrenaline and shock.
  4. Shane Sparks is even more gorgeous in person.  *Drool!*
  5. Gifts are given when you least expect them.
  6. Grandma would rather fill YOU full of food than herself.
  7. Cancer does not destroy the spirit- it is only through yourself can you destroy that.
  8. Society (generally speaking) still has exceptional kindness.
  9. How to ask stupid questions to complete strangers. 
  10. If you walk long enough in one direction you will eventually find a landmark you know- and realize that you’re going the total wrong way.
  11. I truly have a great support group here on OD.  Thanks for helping get me through this! 
  12. An 18-year-old girl CAN survive the subway by herself with three suitcases.
  13. I can still fall head over heels for a man (pain does heal)- a stranger, nonetheless.
  14. How to grow up.  : (
  15. It is possible to krump on a 15 foot ladder.
  16. I keep perservering until the current crisis is over- then it’s only fair that I get to go to sleep.
  17. Northeners like my accent. 
  18. Food is expensive as all hell in the airport.  Phhhb.
  19. Ugh.  I’d like to have me a man.
  20.   I can freestyle!!  And make Shane Sparks want to choreograph for me! 
  21. Everyone is in a big-ass hurry at the Jelly-Belly factory which is near Kenosha, WI.
  22. They honestly sell ‘booger’, ‘ear wax’, ‘earthworm’, ‘dirt’ Jelly-Bellies.  NO I did not try one-  I wasn’t feeling so brave that day…
  23. They make ‘Burn in Hell, Osama’ hot sauce!
  24. Dancers are family- it don’t matter if you’re black or white, a krumper or on pointe, there is a universal feeling of love and acceptance.  It’s like bein’ a Juggalo- I am truly blessed  to be part of both worlds.
  25. Walgreens exists everywhere.  Errr.  In the north and the south.
  26. Most black ninjas dig the fact that I can pull off cornrows.  ^_^
  27. People have more faith in my abilities and my personality than I do.
  28. I can hip hop with some bad-ass motherfuckers and not look out of place.

†    INMATE    †

Wearing::  Black Nike booty shorts, white and black dance top, my Vans, and my hair is still corn-rowed.
Feeling::  Energetic (I’m recovered- I didn’t even need coffee to get me going this morning!  Yay!)
Listening to::  ‘Everybody Dance Now’ (a remix) by C&C Music Factory
Last ate::  Sandwich! 

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March 15, 2007

There’s no Walgreens in Quebec. I think what you meant is they’re all over the States.

March 15, 2007

Let’s see some pics, cutie. 😉 Congrats on the experience, but I wouldn’t press the odds in Chicago. Maybe you had a vibe that made ppl NOT MESS WITHCHA. 😉 Good Luck on future endeavors. Visit AZ next time, I’ll show ya around before I leave. 😀

March 15, 2007

You rule! =)

March 15, 2007

RYN: Yes, you do. Look at all you learned, both funny and worth retaining. You made the most of the field trip, and your optimism is as high as ever. That’s part of why you rule. =)

Wow, yourself. You’re quite the frenetic young woman! hehehe =)

March 15, 2007

RYN: What makes you say that?

March 15, 2007

*huggles* Yes, you KNOW we love you. Now, add me to your Fav’s…NOW. 🙂

March 15, 2007

woooottt!!! i’m soglad your okay hunny !

March 15, 2007

MAN, Im on the hunt for an Oompa Loompa outfit in my size…as soon as I do it’ll be on youtube…mwa-hahaha

March 15, 2007

RYN: Thanks! Not a persuasive speaker….just spoiled rotton with a terminal case of PMS. I have my nice moments though and that’s a fact. I read your past few entries. HOW EXCITING!!! Since I live in white bread America, the only really great dancers I know are the ones I see on tv. VERY COOL! Good luck to you on the dancing! I’m bettin’ I see you on the TV in the future.

March 15, 2007

-Is it still considered “freestyle” if it’s choreographed? -Is your accent a sharp southern accent, or is it sweet and subtle like Sandra Bullock’s? You can totally tell she’s from Texas! -There is no Walgreen’s in ToonTown. As for Quebec, who the hell’d want to go to Quebec? They’re all f*cked there! They do have’em in Detroit. We get Detroit Tv here in ToonTown. Talk @ Ya later, Juggalo!

March 15, 2007

Okay. I totally messed up. I checked to verify my claim of Sandra Bullock being a fellow Texan, and it turns out she’s from Virginia. So now I’m lost. Apparently I’m not as smart as I thought I was. At least not about useless crap like this. Anyway. Have A Nice Day!!!

March 16, 2007

Thanks for the note. So have you seen Stomp the Yard then? Any good? Or am I so off the mark it’s not even funny!!? Later.

March 16, 2007

Didn’t mean to embarrass you. Actually, most of our stores are American chains, anyways. WalMart’s huge, here.

March 16, 2007

thanks for the note. it sounds like you had a great trip. amen to the northerners talk too fast. i find myself doing it way too often, but then i’ve spent most of my life away from my family in the carolinas. my grandmother can’t understand me when i get excited

March 16, 2007

The Jelly Bellies are based off of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans from Harry Potter. Some of them aren’t too bad. The others are horrid.

March 16, 2007

What an awesome experience. That’s so exciting! I’m going to have to watch the show now to see if I recognize you. 😀

March 16, 2007

It sounds like you had a very exciting trip 🙂

March 17, 2007

RYN: Nope, no Target…well, not in Quebec, atleast. Lots of companies don’t come here cuz they’ve got to adhere to stupid language laws, change their packaging, etc. We only got our first Taco Bell this winter. We’ve got lots of Starbucks, though!

March 19, 2007

Rawr back at you. And where were you in the north? I missed your entries also, not. I just missed you…

March 19, 2007

That’s totally awesome. 🙂

March 21, 2007

Fast? :3 WHAZZAMATTUHFAYOU? xD <3 I dig that line about the cancer. VERY true, Master Obi Wan. :3 “I can hiphop with some bad motherfvckers and not look out of place” xDD I can just picture you like. . . dancing out of an alley with some formidable lookin’ fellers. Crypt walking or something. “YO–” *tap tap twirl beat beat dance tap*- “EMPTY YA -” *twirl twirl crypt twirl tap tap”- POCKETS.

March 21, 2007

just to be clear– in my previous note– you’re WITH the formidable lookin’ fellers. xD You’re gangstar like that, babeh. xD I’m still LOL’ing about that.