The Worst Thing In The World. *EDIT*

I am seriously considering going to college.

I am seriously considering saying "FUCK moving out to LA."


No, seriously.

I am being torn apart in so many directions.  I am unstable, mentally and physically.  There is no way, as of now, that I could go off into the mean streets of Los Angeles and have confidence in my craft.
And right now is when I need to be planning.  I need to be extorting all of my social connections, plotting apartment reservations, scouting neighborhoods.  Annnd… I don’t have it in me.  If I don’t do it now, I’m going to wind up living at home until I’m 23 and then going into the military- exactly like my brother did.
If I go to college, I can PROBABLY get a full ride.  My family (en bloc) takes in considerably less than $25,000 a year and I have my dance ability which most colleges would kill to advertise.

I can dance on the side- teach, take conventions, probably even have professional jobs every other month.  Engage in a company, do a cruise every once in a while.  But for a living?  To put food on my table? 
I don’t think I can do it.  There are so many limitations that I MUST face.  I don’t think I have that inner drive, that mental stability, to put myself on the line day after day, to have people tell me, day after day, that I’m too fat.  I don’t have the right attitude.  My style is wrong.  I’m not right.  I’m not good enough.

College would be so much easier it’s not even funny…
I’m not the one to take the easy way out, either.  But I have to face the real world- what I CAN do versus what I CAN’T do. 

It’s so interesting to think what would have happened if my dad wouldn’t have lost his job.  I’d probably still be on anti-depressants, I’d probably be in therapy.  But then again, there’d be less fighting.  He probably wouldn’t even be an alcoholic. 
Whatever.  What’s the point in living in What Ifs?  They’re only fantasies, anyway.

The only problem is that if I say "Fuck LA," isn’t that the same as saying "Fuck my childhood dreams.  I’m going to waste my God-given talent."

Isn’t that SO wrong?  Isn’t that the worst thing in the world?
It is.  I’m so fucked. 
I’m at the bottomest, deepest hole I’ve been for years and I’m still digging. 
Gah.  I even hate writing about it.  But if I don’t write about it, what else am I gonna do about it?


Wearing::  Bright blue capris, green "Little Miss Trouble" t-shirt and black and red Pony jacket.
Feeling::  Miserable.
Last ate::  Ham on spicy southwestern bread.




If I don’t go out to LA this year, I don’t go out to LA, period.
Don’t ask why (it’s not shareable) but this is my only chance to do LA the way it should be done.
So thank you for reading my drivel but there is no option such as *College first, then go to LA when you’re ready!
It’s either I’m ready now or I have to pass. ..

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January 29, 2008

I don’t think saying “Fuck LA” is the same as giving up on your childhood dreams. Dance is an insanely competitive and grueling field. Going to college would provide you with stability, opportunity, and time to consider the future. I know you would keep up with your dancing, so if after college, you still wanted to make a go at dancing, you could give it your all and have something to fall backon. I know you would be amazing either way. But no, you don’t have to give up your dreams just to survive. I don’t think any of us could make it through the day without a dream.

January 29, 2008

you’re making a wise decision, people who are successful in the entertainment business live in LA because they move their once they have been recognized. LA sucks if you arent wealthy, and you’d be much better off going to college and having that to support your dreams!!! LA is just full of a bunch of screwed up people with broken promises.

January 29, 2008

I agree with james ensor. but, to be completely honest with you, I wouldn’t know. I think college would be a safe bet, though. If after awhile you completely regret that decision, you can always just go out to LA if, later on down the road, you decide that’s what you should do. I would really (if I were you), like you’ve stated, trust in myself 100% before doing that, though. <P> *hugs* good luck!!!

January 29, 2008

you dont have to say “fuck LA” but you can get a few years of college in, work on your self esteem and THEN go to LA. theres nothing wrong with that. and if you go to WVU we can definitely be real life friends 🙂

January 29, 2008

It’s not saying “F off” to your talents or your dreams but sometimes you have to take round-about ways to get your dream. Maybe you could go to school like Guiliard or something, where your dancing is your school. You could also get a ‘real degree’ lol while you’re there I’m sure. Whatever you decide don’t think of it as giving up, think of it as the alternative plan. *hugs*

January 29, 2008

PS-OD was being a pain in the butt and saying I couldn’t say the F word in my note even though everyone else got to so if that same notes shows up a few times, sorry!! 🙂

January 29, 2008

You ever hear that saying, you are young, but maybe you have–> who is our worst enemy? OURSELVES. If you think defeated–> YOU WILL BE DEFEATED. All you have to consider when thinking about your future is can you live with your decision? With no regrets? You want to give yourself every chance to succeed. You only come around once in a lifetime, kid. 😉 That make sense, ninja? 😉 {X}

January 29, 2008

No matter what you decide, think what is best for you, your life & giving yourself every chance to succeed. I think that was quoted by the Sox, yes OUR White Sox GM in a quote I just put in OD. Give yourself every chance to succeed & if it doesn’t happen, at least know you gave it your all. Whatever lies in your heart. We are the only ones who live with the consequences either way. Stay strong.

January 29, 2008

so go to LA, see if it works out and if it doesnt you can always go to college. college will always be there whereas LA will not. live life for now and you can always settle down later 🙂 good luck

January 29, 2008

*after your edit* Then, I say go for it, heart, body, and soul. If that’s REALLY want you WANT to do, and you really really really can NOT do it at any other time, then just go for it… take the risk, take a chance, live for your dream. But that’s just me. I mean, if you look at the pasts of certain people, their paths are so different. Wade Robson seemed to be born with a gift, and he was given the opportunity to become a professional dancer at a young age and he just went with it and it worked out… Madonna (according to Wiki, so take this with a grain of salt) went to college, dropped out, moved out to NYC (I think) and worked her butt off… and it just worked. I don’t know. If it’s meant to work out, I think it will. Trust your instincts.

January 29, 2008

note about your edit… you’ll never know where your life will take you after college. thats all i have to say.

January 29, 2008

You really need to decide what you want to do. What if you move to LA and think about going to college there? You could still dance and maybe pursue something else. There’s always lots you can do with dancing, you just have to decide whether you want to be famous for it, be in shows, or would you be okay just teaching kids? You could always open your own dance school and give kids the dreams you have. There’s so many things you can do with your talent, either way, do not give up on it completely! You’ll never forgive yourself if you do!

January 29, 2008

If it’s do or give up, then do. You are not the giving up type.

January 29, 2008

I think you need to do what your gut is telling you to do. If you want to be a dancer, then pursue it with all your heart. Why can’t you accomplish both by going to college in/near LA? At college you can continue training and strengthening your technique/style and boost your confidence. It’ll allow you to learn more about your art and how to make it work for you.

January 29, 2008

(continued) As [que.sera.sera.] said, you never know what’ll happen in the future and LA might come into the picture again. But if going to LA right NOW and not going to college is the ONLY way you’ll stay in dance, and if you really love dance, then go to LA. As [james_ensor] said, “If it’s give up or do, then do”. You might as well try. It’s okay to be terrified but do it anyway.

January 29, 2008

Thinking of you and praying for discernment and clarity. I’m not much of a black-and-white thinker, so I have to believe that there are more than 2 options. The other options my not be very appealing, but usually there are unlimited options if we’re willing to entertain some ideas that are “outside the box.” I love you and want the very best for you. Never give up on your dreams. When you do,your soul dies.