The Preservation of Loss.

Time:: 11:03 pm
Listening to::  ‘Thru the Rain’ by Marz.  
Wearing:: Black w/ red side arrows pants and a gray short sleeved shirt that says "Dancer- Tremaine"
Woke up:: 8:26 am. 
Last ate::  Beef, potato, broccoli, and bread.  -Supper!

So… I finally realized what has been happening with me lately and the way my mind has been working.  Greg was over and he wanted to chill later on tonight, middle of the night and… I couldn’t.  I found myself just saying No, No, No!!  I’ve had the opportunity to do so multiple times in my life, and one of them with a man I loved more than life itself.  If I refused to work with him, there’s no way I’d work with Greg.  And you know why?  Because I’m protecting what I had with this other guy.  And while I’m still burning from the loss (while swearing I’m over it), apparently I’m still doing everything I can to protect it.  That’s fine with me, because I think that should be sacred.  As a matter of fact, I don’t think anybody should ever touch on that ever again.  But that doesn’t mean I have to hurt other people to save it.  Especially when it hurt me so bad in the end.
It pisses me off that I have to have feelings.  The beauty about myself and the beauty about my job is that I don’t get close to people.  It’s a learned skill, yes, but it’s been worthwhile.  I’m close to two people, and still reeling more or less from the loss of that one.  We’re still close, but I’m trying to distance myself. 
It doesn’t do for me to have emotional baggage.  It just doesn’t work.  You get too tied up, and then what YOU want to do is clouded.  And when it’s all over, and you’re nothing but a bunch of ashes floating around the streets, well… all that matters is what you did, and what you helped other people accomplish.  It doesn’t matter what you felt, what you cared about, what you didn’t…
It’s gonna pass. 
Everything passes. 
Life, death, love. 
It all passes.




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May 9, 2007

Interesting mindset here. Was it sex you were talking about with Greg & getting intimate since your EX? It is sacred, I agree. I’d had crimes of lust-not planned & have had opportunities if I pressed, but I dunno. It means nothing unless you love & care for the person & especially recently—I haven’t had that in a lONG time. Crazy. It sucks. And it is hard to put yourself out there sometime

May 9, 2007

sometimes, but all you can do is just be yourself, hope you can be loved & appreciated for who you are & go from there. Sometimes things just happen, but I found it’s hard to get hurt when you rationalize that you are just one 1/2 of an equation & you can only do so much. It takes two to love & care & to tango. 😉 I think if I loved & the girl passed, that would be more devastating. Because it’s

May 9, 2007

not like she did something or cheated or couldn’t love or be with me. If it was something like that loss, that would probably devastate me. Only because if you have it like that & lose it…especially when it’s so tough to find your other half in life…I couldn’t imagine the pain of having someone taken away from your life. Break ups happen & when two ppl can’t compromise or communicate or

May 9, 2007

other factors get in the way like lack of loyalty or honesty, etc. If two people truly are meant to be, love one another & want to be together, then they can accomplish anything. That’s how I feel on the matter. That’s the type of love I want to be a part of.