The new feline! : O

Yesterday I waited with the crazy people ("I shoot cats," says my dad to this cat-crazy lady.  Lord, I’m surprised we weren’t jumped!) for an hour, all of us having woken up around 5/5:30 in the blasted morning to have our pets fixed.  My dad and I dropped off my cat and he bitched at me the entire morning.  Made me feel really bad, plus I was worried to no end about my cat.  
My mom smiled when I’d told her I was worried and she’d said, "You’ve found your motherly gene, I think." 
I stared at her and said, "Mom.  It’s a CAT!!"
(She also said 4x that is what she felt when me and my brother had our first surgeries, lol.  She said my brother (7 at the time) refused to wake up… which scared her.  And then I came along (4 at the time) and woke up screaming and fighting, taking four nurses and my dad to hold me down… which scared her, too.  Hehe… Oops.  )

So, my cat is female, around 3 years old, 8 pounds, probably part Bengal, Bermese, and maybe Manx.  It’s black with big, peridot colored eyes and a gigantic tail.  It looks EXACTLY like a miniature black panther and for that reason I call it
"Ma Petite Panthere Noire."  : )

The cat, when I went to pick it up after 12 nerve-wracking hours later, was hyper unlike the other cats…  Mine was jumpin around and meowin and bein a general pain in the ass.  Thank God they didn’t have to cut her open… SHE HAD ALREADY BEEN SPAYED when she was a kitten, hahaha!  ::sings:: "I don’t have to deal with stitches…!"

I’d sat next to the cat for an hour or so as well as off and on through SIX HOURS, trying to get it to pee in the fuckin box.  It would just walk out and get litter everywhere and crawl in my lap.  It was cute but NOT what I wanted it to do.  : /  Yet, before it peed it brought me a dead scorpion.    How sweet!!!

The cat is narcoleptic.  No lie.  It was crawling over a bunch of blankets and then collapsed almost head first onto the floor asleep.  I laughed.  Very hard.  My dad laughed, also very hard…
It was priceless. 

Oh, the cat’s official name is Midnight (or Milenko). 

Honestly, the cat came at such an undesirable time but it’s turning out to be perfect for me.  It’s already spayed, well-behaved, litter trained, tolerant of our dog. 


I believe the cat is a manifested spirit of someone I wronged in the past… maybe it’s superstitious of me but I was MEANT to take care of this cat…


P.S.  I saw a ghost a few days ago… it was the first one I’ve seen for a long while.  It scared the shit out of me cuz I thought I’d lost the gift… YEA, uh I DIDN’T.  And I don’t know if it’s good or bad… 

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October 18, 2006

what did you and your bro have surgery for???

October 18, 2006

awww congrats on your kitty!! I love kitties myself 🙂 i would have 10 if i could, but the husband says no… Gifts are always a good thing, when you know what to do with them and how to use them.

Arent cats lovely. Had my fair share, none now though…:( there is however one at my moms that i think if allowed would crawl up my butt as so it didnt have to be away from me.

October 18, 2006

Zomg I love kitties like a fat kid loves caaaake. xD <3333~! (I have pneumonia, so I’ve been sleeping all day. :3 One of my kitties slept with me all the while. 😀 <3) Anywho. XD; The litter box training made me Lawl. CHEERS, mang!<3 Thanks for your note. PS- I see dead people too zomg <3

October 18, 2006

RYN: yeah. That is something to think about. Thanks.

October 18, 2006

ryn, find out why, search inside and find out why you have a gift and what your ment to do with it. In my family we dont consider seeing the passed as a gift. sometimes it can be annoying. But its natural for us. Sometimes people need help, or someone to listen to them. It can be as simple as that.

October 18, 2006

you seem like a very interesting person.. are you really a schizo, or however you spell that?.. i have a friend who is and its actually kinda funny at times, no offense i mean.. but on the other hand, it can be really scary… thank you for leaving a note for me. its nice to meet you inmate. p.s.- i was born in texas. woo hoot.

October 18, 2006

ryn: thanks for the vote of confidence, and haha the 7 year thing isn’t showing that i’m old…it’s just the reason i noticed the dates were the same as 7 years ago is because ben and i broke up on thursday, dec. 21st and we’re STILL doing the mind game thing. seven years later. ack.

October 18, 2006

Dreaming of Garfield!? Zomg gtfo! <3 LOL? LOL! xD And an ampitheater. Hot damn, lady. I can’t remember the last thing I dreamt. dfgsdfh Waiiiit. I do recall. In my pneumonia nap I dreamt that I was asking my dad for some money to buy some cute Chinese clicky pens. xD And erasers. I like erasers. Don’t ask why. The babysitters club books are annoying. [/Irrelevance]! So what’s cookin’, toots?

October 18, 2006

hahaha i love kitties <3333 i hope she'll be alright anddd sugar we never Loose the gift..we just tend to misplace it when other things in life come in to view

October 19, 2006

well good for you! im glad youre recovered and your disgustingly happy. thats amazing.. and ummm… i like the people in mississippi better, but texas was much more effecient and “up-to-date” if that makes sense…

thanks for the note and findng my lfe humourous, or well me humoros at least. wow look at the difference n the way spelled te same word. mom got a new keyboard, its knda stff.

December 10, 2006

I’ve been reading some of your entries, and I think you’re amazing. I’m going to add you to my favorite’s list, incase you’re interested in reading. BTW: The dance pictures you posted in another entry are amazing.