The estranged cacophany of loud dog and crazy lady

My hyper butt was doing the Can-Can at midnight last night alone in my room.    I can’t eat late at night because it gives me a radical amount of energy that is absolutely wasted   but I’d had no choice because I hadn’t met my required calorie intake for the day.  

And, it just FIGURES that I couldn’t sleep in this morning (it was even cool inside!).  I was woken at 8 am (this is early for me) by the squeal of tires/horn honking in our driveway and this crazy lady screaming her lungs off on our front porch. 
I think she was hollering for Princess  "Princess, come here!" she’s yelling at the house and my dog (who was inside but at the door) is snarling and barking and carrying on and I’m flopping around on my bed yelling, "SHUT the FUCK UP- GO AWAY- STUPID DOG- WHO’S PRINCESS?!"  although my speech was a lot less comprehensible because I was still half asleep.  Sigh.
Who goes to some random house at 8 am and starts screaming on their front porch?  I mean, holy hell.    >.<

Well, the lady finally left, instigating our phone… It decided to ring off the hook and of course, my dog was already awake and barking at EVERYTHING (Damn eating late at night and doing the can-can until 12:30).  We have a schnauzer… and they are known to bark fiercely and protect their owners from everything.  Including lizards, cars parked across the street, dogs locked in kennels five blocks away and occasionally the fire hydrant (which sits stoutly in our yard- as far as I know it doesn’t move). 
But then again, my dog has protected me from past boyfriends trying to sneak over to my house in the wee hours of the morning and probably a few do-no-gooder people as well so who can complain? 

And maybe the fire hydrant DOES have some kind of hidden agenda… 
I don’t know.

On another note… thanks to everyone who commented on my last entry and offered me advice.  When I decide what to do… everything will be posted on here… and I hope it will all be for the better.


Wearing::  Black leotard, red sports bra, red sweatpants. 
Last ate::  A long time ago.  Blueberry morning and protein milk and a cookie (I can’t kick SOME bad habits… hehe.)
Song stuck in my head::  ‘Off the Track’ by ICP
Feeling::  TIRED!!!  …and maybe still a little grumpy.  ^_^

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September 20, 2006

That lady sounds odd. The whole scenerio is very funny, actually. 😉 Your dog sounds cute. <3

September 20, 2006

I don’t have a favorite genre..i just walk into a library and pick out books that peak my interest. Right now I am reading “A Northern Light” or something like that..I also want to read Ann Rinaldi’s books…I read one of her books awhile back and it was really good…. what do you like to read??

September 20, 2006

ryn: thanks for the note =) nice OD by the way… brings me back to the old days of Hallowicked and all that =)

September 20, 2006

fire hydants do move, ive seen them walk down streets, thanks for the comment, mcl

September 20, 2006

I like the sound of your outfit…LoL.

don’t trust those fire hydrants – their plan to create the world’s largest wet t-shirt contest is about to go through, I’m pretty sure. 😉 lol. ryn: thermo is thermodynamics class 🙂 essentially, the study of heat. so it’s all about how refrigerators and engines, among other things, work, hehe. those quizzes are totally pointless, but oh so fun 🙂

September 25, 2006

RE: its was amazing. I went back in 2003 and 2004 i believe. nothing has ever compared to it…