The Audition. X D (And Gatti’s…)

Saturday afternoon- warmed up and filled out the application form (I figured out later that I’d mixed up my SSN, so I’m freaking out about that now and trying to contact the casting director like FUUUUUCK I’M SOOO SORRY!).  I was a little intimidated at first but I wasn’t the youngest one there at least!  : )
Stretched in a tiny room with about 19 other dancers and begun learning the choreography. 

I kept waiting for the director to pause and say, "Now let’s review."  But she never did.  I was like, "Whoa.  This is a lot of choreography."  It was pretty tricky, too.

After learning the choreo (and amusedly watching her attempt to hip hop), she held up a prompt sign and said, "When you get into the room, stand on an x, and say these." 

I don’t have contacts and don’t wear my glasses while dancing… so I couldn’t read the sign.  I memorized everything I was supposed to say, as well as the audition procedure, the minute and a half of choreography, and the tap combination like THAT.  *Snaps fingers*  It was AMAZING.  O.O

Yet, my brain was fried.  Indeed.  Everyone was asking me to teach them the tap combo.  I acquiesced, of course, my teacher side naturally coming out.  : ) 

So, I practiced with everyone while waiting for my turn to audition.  The girl I was to dance with I’d been introduced to by my ballet teacher so I kinda knew her (which made things nicer).  Although I could tell she was counting on me to remember the choreography by the way she was staring at me when we were practicing.  NO PRESSURE.  Sigh. 

Anyway, the two of us walked in at our turn and I said my full name, spelled my last name, said my height ("I’m 5’2 AND A HALF," I said clearly and the audience and directors all laughed.  I grinned- that 1/2 is important!!), location & Audition number.  Did 4 high Rockette line kicks.  Did the tap combo.  Danced my heart out, all showgirl like.  It was so NOT my style but who cares… I’ll do it for my first job and then after I have the experience I can try to find something a little more my style. 

After we’d performed the dance twice, the casting director said, "Thank you.  [Inmate] please stay."  I walked over, grinning like a lemur, and the guy director asked me to pose… I posed and said, "Ma’am, you also asked us to let you know if we do front/back walkovers."  She said, "Oh, yes, I remember, you’re the gymnastic girl!"

"Obviously!" the guy director says, pointing to my figure. 

The woman laughs and nods, then says intently, "Do you have any other skills?" 

I was like, "YES, she’s interested!  Despite my little, stocky figure that they find so humorous…"

And then after everyone had auditioned, I walked up to her and asked if there was anything I could do to improve and she looked me over… (I prayed she wouldn’t say "Girl, you could stand to lose a few pounds.") and said,
"NO!  I enjoyed having you so much- you were FANTASTIC!  As a matter of fact, I want you to work for me!  I mean, you’re so short it’s going to limit what ships I can put you on, but as soon as there is an opening I’ll send you an e-mail!" 

I responded calmly, shook her hand, said thank you, thanked the male director. 
I went home, still uncomprehending of the fact that I’d nailed my very first professional audition.  I walked in the door to my house (having been driven home by my ballet teacher and her bf) and saw my parents and just started yelling, "ZOMG I DID IT MOMMMEEEEEEE, DAAAA-AAAAAAAD, I HADTHEAUDITIONANDITROCKEDANDTHEYLOVEDME-ANDZOMGIMGONNASEETHEWORLDANDBEONACRUISE-SHIPANDWORKMYASSOFFANDOOOOOOOHWEEEEE!"

Eventually they forced me to slow down and I ate a whole bunch of food (not really realizing that I was eating), and then I ran in circles and around the block and… yea.



That night I went with a mom from dance (she’s 22 or something) to Gattitown for her little cousin’s birthday.  I decided then that I wanted a big Mexican family.  I was there with about 25 of her closest family members and it was a blast even though I don’t understand Spanish. 
She was explaining to me all these Mexican traditions and courtesies and her sister said, "It’s ok, her husband’s white too."    I cracked up; it was hilarious.  It’s hard not to have fun with that family.
I ate so much pizza and played so much DDR I got home and felt so sick to my stomach from adrenaline, food, and stress…

Yet I weighed myself this morning and I weigh less than I ever have.  I’m so confused, LOL. 


I hope me fucking up my SSN won’t mean the end of my cruise line career.  : (  I mean… it’s illegal to misrepresent who you are on those forms… but I really didn’t mean to… : (  
I was just so nervous I forgot… : (


†     INMATE     †

Last ate:: Popcorn.
Feeling::  Overwhelmed.

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February 5, 2007

I told you would rock. Hardkore. *big sweeping hugs* You kick ASS!

February 5, 2007

Yay! Congrats!

February 5, 2007

YAY!!!!! you did reat RYN: i have 7 piercigs 5 facial ones(including my ears) and i have my nipples done lol i’m gettin 5 more that i know of lol….3 that are DEF

February 5, 2007

Are you sure the figure comment didn’t mean they were impressed with your tone? YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!I’m feeling pumped, for you, and think I should run around the block with you!

*huggles* Yay! Way to go. Take TONS of pics. *nOds* Man. reading this hurt my head. 🙁 The back and forth and back and forth. geezus.

February 5, 2007

even though my baby comes from a latin culture with big families and appitites we are staying small and healthy lol congrats!

February 5, 2007

Big families are fun. 8D LMAOnade, I could seriously picture you running around the block, literally, arms outstretched, and you making jetplane, “Brrrrrrr~!” sounds. XD Wow. Dahling. :B

February 5, 2007

RYN: Are you insithuating– em. . . Insinuating* that I belong on the dark side? x] I take showers with spiders. They’re all, “LOL TITS OR GTFO” And I’m like, “NO U LOL!”