The 1st Day Off annnnd…

I’m goin’ nuts here.
Big surprise, huh? 

My body is too worn out to be in motion but it’s too used to being overlly active to sit still.
My fuse is too short to hang out with anyone but I’m too mentally wired to consume yet another cup of coffee.

I think I should go bury items in the backyard!

Hmmm… not a bad idea actually.  Make my own time capsules for future renters. 

Ohhh yea like the Kool-Aid man! 

Yep… and then I’ll go draw a pagoda.  Pagoooooda!  XD

Interesting.  This entry was about absolutely nothing.  Yaaaay!
Sorry you won’t be able to get these few minutes of your life back. 

(Not really actually… I’m not sorry at all.  Tee-hee!  ::runs away to join a mariacchi (sp?) band::)

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Dark blue plaid boxers and white cut off muscle tank.
Last ate::  Potatoes, green beans, tuna wrap.
Feeling::  Anxious!  How about that for a fancy word!  Except not really.  O.o

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August 10, 2007

Pagooooda! Wait, what’s a pagoda? lol RYN: thankeeeee for the note!!!! ^_^ I kind of edited the entry after I posted it, so sorry if you saw it on the front page twice. I have an awful habit of editing after I’ve allready submitted it… hah lol I always seem to foget something the first time. Yay for a day off! I’m sure you deserve it!

August 10, 2007

Bury something fabulous! Like a video of you dancing. Or, write everything you want in your life and then roll it up and put it in a bottle and bury it. Fun! This entry from Inmate brought to you by Seinfield — the show about nothing! ** giggling madly **

August 10, 2007

I think I too shall bury something…sounds like it would be a good times…as for this pagoda…what exactly is a pagoda??? You entry made me laugh…I wouldn’t want this time spent reading this entry back even if you could give it back to me….:D Have a great weekend. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

August 10, 2007

Well, that confused the f*ck out of me…have fun doing what-ever-the-hell you’re doing!

August 10, 2007

Thanks for the note. Radical haircuts always backfire on me, but I might make an exception in this case đŸ™‚ thanks for the support!

August 11, 2007

Wow, nothing makes you silly. =)

August 12, 2007

dont over do it

August 14, 2007

A time capsule would be awesome!

August 14, 2007

I love days when I’m hyper like this. Especially on game nights, hehe.

August 18, 2007

Pagoda? Great, now I need to cue up Glad to hear you’ve finally a day off, but to spend it “working” in the backyard? Fah-get-ah-bout-it! You should lounge about all day, accomplishing absolutely nothing. That’s what I do with most of my time off… Especially now that I’m once again injured. (Long story – too long to explain). Have a nice weekend!!!