That Fine Line.

I don’t know if you’ve had the kind of life where you can look back… and think, ‘Wow… I was so close to going over the edge.’  I’ve been commitable for a few years.  Well, I was.  But I never knew it, and no one put me in.  I don’t know how I made it out, honestly.  I think i’ts a miracle.  For months, years, even, I never knew something was horribly wrong.  Thigns felt off, yes, but everytime I tried to talk about it, it was just because I was a teenager.  So I didn’t know things were getting so bad until it was almost too late… and no one still believed me.  But I knew there was an issue, and I also knew that this was 1/2 recovery.  And then… I went through stages.  I would try so hard to get out of my mental state, I would try so hard… and hten it would blow up in my fucking face and I would be setback to the very beginning.  But I kept fighting for a year or so after that.  Two years even.  Even know, sometimes I have setbacks, but… they’re not as bad.  They’re bearable.  But what broke the line?  What broke the initial line into insanity for me… what broke the line into knowledge?  And what broke the line into peace?  I don’t know if I will ever know… it’s just another question added to my list.  I have so many things I want to know, but I’m not sure they really matter.  Everything matters when it’s dumped into your lap, I guess.  If it was in someone else’s, I would probably say that shit in the past doesn’t matter.  And I truly believe that… to a point.  Memories haunt, and they always will.  This is part of our existence, part of what makes us who we are.  And they can be beautiful.  Something that happened a few years ago can still come to kill you.  There’s no doubt.  But one cannot  allow past incidents to rule their lives in the present.  I hope I’ve been a demonstration of this, but sometimes it’s difficult.  I have had… such a rocky past.  It’s been tough, to look past what I was and concentrate on who I am and who I will be.  But I have proved it is possible.  I have coome a long, incredible way with the help of a few special people and the determination of a woodpecker. 

Will all of these questions haunt me like memories?  Am I going to have to force myself to ignore questions of the past and instead focus on questions of the future?  Or will the questions of the past decide the questions of the future, a chain reaction that you can only decipher in chronological order?  I guess this is all pointless, questioning, I mean.  Pointless, because in the time I take to discuss this and sort through this, I could have searched for an answer within myself, to answer the questions of the present, and thus decide for the past, and for the future.


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August 13, 2005

42.. the answer. it’s 42.

May 8, 2007

Self-Introspection is key for me. I’ve done it over the course of my life. I love writing, but sometimes I do it lying awake before bed or throughout the mundane day. I’ve been in the pits. I’ve been in depression or funks. Creative, mental, which affects physical. It’s tough to get out of sometimes. It takes a tough person to get thru it. I know you are tough, you are tenacious & I really admir

May 8, 2007

admire that about you. No matter what, our past is always there. We can choose to learn from it or let it haunt us. I choose to learn. I find it hard to forgive some deeds, but I have Let Go & Let God. And I have learned in time to forgive myself. All we can do is just work from this point to better our lives & our mindset. I am proud of how far you have come & what you have made of your life!

May 8, 2007

The Woodpecker is the only known animal/bird I know of with two synonyms for male genitlia in it’s name. 😉 lol. And yes, Wood & Pecker is often tenacious & determined as well. lol. Sorry I can not resist. lol. You said it first. Woodpecker. 😉