That awesome 1%…

Have you ever thought about that 1%??

That TOP of the world that is at the top of their field/profession/mentality? 
The part that always gets FUCKED over because no one understands them? 

Einstein- Thought totally psycho because of his oodles of awesome geniusness.
Picasso- Thought useless in the artistic world because he thought OUT OF THE BOX.
Those were two major examples.  And then, think of the rest of the world- people who are denied promotions because they would excel at their job to the point it would destroy relations within a company; military who are denied promotions because they will see through the deceptions that cloak the service…
To add a stretch… the children who see the monsters under the bed.

Nowadays though, Einstein and Picasso are hailed as heroes.  Too bad their lives SUCKED because they were broke and kicked around. 

But everyone like that survives- not only survives, THRIVES.  Because they believe in what they do.

They have a passion.
An energy uneclipsable.  (I made up a new word, yay, go me!)
It’s what makes the world go around… Yes, and Columbus, too.  He said, "Fuck you, the Earth is round."  And everyone else said, "Fuck you, the Earth is flat."  But he had a conviction and a passion and an energy and he WON.

Not saying that if you want to chop through a tree with your hand you can do it because you have a really really strong desire to.
Because I’ve definitely tried to melt through a wall for at least 10 minutes.  My head stayed on the wall the WHOLE time. 

Speaking of which, has anyone ever read ‘Psychic Warrior’ by David Morehouse?  That book gives me the creeps for well more than one reason.

Craven gave me his Psychopathic jersey he won at the Gathering a few years back.   
I nearly lost my shit… that jersey means so much to him and he just… gave it to me!!! 
I didn’t know how to handle that because we’ve been going back out for… um… a few weeks now, actually?  Maybe?  Wow.  Time’s going by FAST.

Plus, my mom had talked to me about how she didn’t like me and Craven dating again.
…Just because I went almost totally psychotic around the time we previously dated doesn’t mean anything.  My parents were more to blame than he was and truly, it was all my fault. 

ANYWAY, not the time for THAT story. 
Craven and I had a heart to heart over whether or not we really think we can make a relationship work between him going on tour, me at dance 10 hours a day and unpredictably skipping town…
I told him I’d think about it- If I want him, I have to go against my mom’s wishes, too and that’ll be hard for me.
I haven’t told him yet… but I want to keep him.
A feeling like that (when he touches me… time just… stops) is worth fighting over.

Sigh.  I am so hungry again lately.  I haven’t had my period in going on 3 months now.  (In the past 8 months I’ve had it 2-3 times.) I’m not complaining… but I think that could be a problem.  : /  And no, I can’t be pregnant.

My plans for LA are in full swing!  I’m excited!!!! 
Peace and health-

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Dark gray chlorinated sweatpants and bright blue/white halter.
Feeling::  Tired.  The summer dance season has started again, YAY!
Last ate:: 1/2 a Promax protein bar.  Good shit that was.

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June 19, 2007

Honestly, having a regular period is a recent thing. Studies show that prehistoric women didn’t walking around bleeding once (or twice, in my case) a month. You’re exercising so much- and so stressed out- that you probably don’t have enough body fat to trigger the hormones that cause menstruation. I also know that when I get stressed out, my period stops. Go to your GYN but you’re probably okay.

June 19, 2007

RYN: Thank you m’babeh. :3 That means oodles to meeh <3 Srysly.

June 19, 2007

I do think about the 1%. I’m very thoughtful of everthing. . . or at least I think so. I like to think about everything; that’s what gives the world its value– when you think about the thinks it’s made up of. What stuff the world is teeming with. speaking of value, you really ought to read The Alchemist, by Paulo Coellho. Fvcking amazing. And goddamn, I just lost my train of thought. XD

June 19, 2007

Tis amazing when you feel like that. :3 <3 I miss that feeling, but I only get it when I see Summer skies and when I reminisce. . . I have noticed a difference me being appreciative of the love I get from teh males compared to unabashedly wanting to RAPE the summer atmosphere etc etc etc.

June 19, 2007

THANK YOU for your notes, ilu, babeh, ilu. Rawk on, love. And I hope teh Universe conspires (a good way~) to make everything badass and panty-wreckingly-h’awesome work for you~

June 19, 2007

lies i got you preggo ! don’t Deny our love and passion….i have no clue wtf is going on anymore lmfao i thought it was funny though…anyway i’m glad your happy and your mom smells funny that is all

June 19, 2007

You CAN’T possibly be or you don’t WANT to be pregnant? lol. Follow your heart. Trust your instincts. Tho the last girl I told that to, got pregnant{Uh, oh. There’s that word again} from the guy & he deserted her. She should have chose me. lol. Ah, well. Good Luck on your trip to LA. Never been there, but it fits in with dangerous places you’ve visited. ryn: My niece is back, stictches on

June 19, 2007

both her lip & cheek, poor girl. Not sure if my bro’s dog from KS was trip crazy with strangers or it’s just psycho now. 🙁 ryn2: Your Dad’s 2nd saying was from Jon Lovitz on Saturday Night Live. lol.

June 19, 2007

Aren’t all intelligent people shunned & misunderstood? hmmm, maybe that’s why I’m shunned & misunderstood…;) heh heh.

June 19, 2007

Maybe you should try to melt through the wall for longer than 10 minutes! ** giggling ** There’s a lot to be said for being with someone who makes the world stop.

June 19, 2007

Wicked sh*t!!!

June 20, 2007

The first part is very interesting. It’s easier for innovators to get noticed nowadays, but the very nature of innovation is that it requires the mind of someone outside the norm to do something innovative. Lovely catch. =) And as for the second part… AWWWW.

I don’t think that anyone should dictate who you date if you have that strong of feelings and you think you can make the time thing work then go for it

June 21, 2007

what on earth have you been reading / smoking

June 21, 2007

ryn: Depends if you are stubborn or mule headed. lol. If you are you can impede your own rays of light by not giving yourself that chance to shine. Or being too proud to do some things. 😉 but hey, you can dance around trying to figure the quote out literally if you want. Knock yourself out. Tho, if you do, do it naked & take a picture for pete’s sake. If you are going to describe the stories &

June 21, 2007

implant the image of you naked in my head, then you might as well go all the way with the real thing. lol. LA is VERY dangerous so I hear. Come loaded with guns. I have two—left & right arm. 😀 You’d have to stop by Arizona on the way & pick me up, tho. Thanks for the prayers for my niece. She is tough. 🙂 And you are logical, too? You’re the 2nd girl to tell me that on OD. Is this possible?

June 21, 2007

I thought girl overthink things a million times, so many times that they never make a decision? Is that logical, indecisive or insane? lol. I’m going with the last 2 with an emphasis on the 3rd one. And if I continue to broadcast this stuff, I’ll never get laid again. lol. Well, not without paying for it, anyways…lol.

June 21, 2007

You repeated my ? to me. I asked you, if you can get pregnant or if it’s just a matter of that you DON’T WANT TO & refuse to believe it? Answer. {finger tapping} 😉 lol. And yes, sometimes Karma comes back with a mean left right hook & it’s never without justification. That’s why it’s Karma, baby. 😉 Hope you have a great end of the week. Hope you are settled & doing well. Be cool. {X}

June 21, 2007

RYN: Thanks so much for your note. It’s truly amazing what things we go through when we LIVE a life. I’m so glad to have you in my life, too!!! =)

RYN: thanks for the note! im glad that you like my front page, i couldn’t think of a theme. and both of our ODs are green. =) the color of money, haha. yeah, 5000 questions. it took forever to get there. well have a good one! =) x

June 21, 2007

Hah. Thanks for helping me to kick this bitchy diary. Lol. Your kicking made me smile too. (: Yea, black & white. Kinda simple but plain. That’s why I said I need to find my colors back. I love colors too, they represent mood but the thing is sometimes I find it hard to really see colors, not that I’m color blind but if you get what I meant. ;x It’s hard to put into words. With love, xx.

June 21, 2007

We’d have Sexay times thank you…again i’ll take pictures and post them when i’m in the newyork..did you want a post card or something from there or tampa??

June 21, 2007

LA? Plans? What the? Did I miss the memo? When? LA? How? Huh? Oh,I’m just lost. As 4 your luv life, it just makes me feel 4 ya.I wish I had & Time stop & whatever. Psychopathic Jersey? Decent! Them things aren’t cheap & I’ve checked. Very nice! I’m hungry 2. Everytime I eat,I feel sick. Must B the heat! As 4 the “womanly thing”? I don’t need 2 hear about that, (I say nervously) Much Clown Luv!

walls are tricky, tricky creatures

June 23, 2007

thats interesting…i;m pretty sure that since your so active…your period can stop for a while. I know that from experience. Being in the military at basic training, i didnt have it for the whole 5 months while i was there! So its cool…could be stress too! But good luck and take care~

June 24, 2007

thanks man 🙂 love your too. man, that would freak me out, not getting my period for three months. thats would drive me insane!!!

June 24, 2007

Yeah Joey is mexicn so periodicly on the trip we were asking him what things in spanish meant. like “what is Rio Puerco?” “That would be Pork River” and if you go into any La Quinta they have these laquinta ads on the walls that say “La Quinta: spanish for quality” and stuff like that. so we asked Joey what La Quinta meant and he said “I dunno. Next to Denny’s?”

my eye thing did go away. thanks are u coming to los angeles or louisiana?

June 24, 2007

Okay, officially I love you. You’re the only other person I know who takes dance as seriously as I do. I mean, I’m not like anal about it. But I spend that amount of time in the studio too. And is Craven in a band? Cause Rob is and that would be cool. Oh, and what Gathering!!?!?!?! Um…yeah. Basically, your note was awesome too. I hate having scars, it makes me feel…inadequate.

June 24, 2007

I don’t get my period much either. And frequently I freak about about pregnancy. -gigglesnort-

June 25, 2007

thx for the note, sweetheart. It’s a sad, sad, sady day in the wrestling world as we mourn the loss of one of the greatest of all times. THis is horrible & tragic. He will be missed.