Thanksgiving “not” get-together and gang banging

CURRENTLY- Sunday 5:46 pm::
Wearing: Red-orange athletic pants and white muscle tank that says ‘Encore-Soul’
Listening to: Scrimps & Juice by Psycopathic Rydas
Woke up at: 10:58 am

 Thanksgiving was ok.  My parents and I spent the day of at my grandparent’s house and had dinner there.  We all survived, and it was alright.  My parents and my grandparents don’t usually get along  very well, so get togethers like that are always very strenuous and unpredictable.  Who knows WHAT would happen.  Then on Friday my family had a dinner at our house.  I made the pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, and blueberry muffins.  ^_^  I refused to make stuffing this year, becuase I hate the crap.  It’s nasty, dude.  Ick.  The pie took me two hours to make, anyway, because I screwed it up.  Halfway through my batter didn’t look right and I was like, "Mom…"  And she goes, "Did you add the butter?"  I was like, "Damn."  So she yelled at me, and I was defiant, and then my dad walked in from cooking the turkey, heard the story, and laughed so hard he doubled over.  I’m not a very good cook, and yes everyone knows this, so apparently it’s really funny to make me cook stuff.  O.o  Ok, whatever.  But the pie was worth it, because it tasted really good.  : D
Inmate got mad on Tuesday.  I’m one of those people who piss you off, because I never get mad.  You can get up in my face, you can insult my mommy, you can shove me around, but I never get mad.  Of course, if you hit me, I hit back, but I don’t get mad or usually don’t hold grudges.  It’s the way I am.  But on Tuesday… I got maaad.  I walked into Speech, and it was a female day to begin with, so… yea.  Anyway, the practical joker sitting behind me finally got me- slid my desk out from underneath me as I was sitting down.  It was really slick, it took me forever to hit the ground and I barely noticed until my ass was on the ground.  It was actually pretty phat, so I gave him props after I bitch-smacked his ass.  But anyway, twenty minutes into class the kid next to me, Nathan, starts talking.  Which was the worst thing that he could have done on that day.  See, he has this thing with my colors- because I’m red adn black, automatically I have to be a Blood.  Which I’m not.  Hellllll no.  Even worse, Nathan thinks he’s a Crip.  This boy, is no gang-banger.  Gezis help me, but… he acts black to me my guess is to "prove" himself.  Although why the boy, who isn’t even a wigger, decided to declare he’s a Crip which he surmises is my rival gang, I really don’t know.  Because if he were actually a Crip and I actually a Blood, one of us wouldn’t be sitting in class anymore.  That’s just hte way life works.  And the fact that he thinks he’s a Crip just pisses me off to begin with, because a whole bunch of motherfuckers spend their entire life trying to get out of that shit and he thinks it’s funny to pretend he’s one.  Peopel get killed over that shit almost every day, homie.  It isn’t funny.  He’s disrespecting all of the struggle and the pain that the true bangers go through.  And it isn’t fly with me.  So he’s talking shit about stuff he doesn’t even know about, and I turn to him and say, "Shut the fuck up, and leave me alone because you’re full of shit and I’m sick of it."  He pulls a butterfly on me and says, "What’d you say?"  I laughed.  Yes, I laughed, in the middle of class with a knife pointed my way.  He wasn’t even holding it right.  I replied, "Get that away from me, if you touch me with that I am going to kill your ass."  He closed it, swiped it on my leg and then said, "Now what?"  And that pissed me off all the more.  So apparently it’s FUNNY to insult someone with colors that might be opposite yours?  I know he doesn’t know anything about this sort of thing, and I didn’t hit him, but he’s disrespecting a whole lot of people and a whole lot of shit.  If he says this shit to someone a little more volatile than I am… he’s fucking dead, homeboy.  He needs to watch his mouth.  And if he touches me, fuck the fact I only have three weeks left… he needs someone to teach him a lesson before he gets in the big leagues.  That’s the way life works, too.


Pzzz  –Inmate

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May 9, 2007

Hmm, so I have learned it takes you two tries to get food or more specifically a PIE done right. lol. I’ll have to remember that. Perhaps I can show you how to cook some stuff or take you to a sister-in-law class. 😉 heh heh. & yes honor in almost any walk of life is nothing to joke about. I know enough to not f#ck with some shit & that’s the truth.

May 9, 2007

I guess if you spend time in the city or the ghetto, you beter know what NOT to wear or what colors not to be caught with or whatnot & you better be able to survive. I’m of firm mind, to know there are some places you just don’t go. Period. Some places we all just don’t belong. It’s sad for those who accidentally end up places. Sometimes you don’t get a 2nd chance. Just gotta be street smart &

May 9, 2007

& use your head to not go some places or be caught some places or chance some things or plain & simple>watch where u tread. When did u start wearing red & black & have you ever came close to dying because of it or being attacked? Has some things changed for you in the last 2 years regarding this? Was it becoming a teacher that changed some things 4 u the most? When did U start teaching full time?