Take Away My Anxieties…

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::flings warning Cheez-Its::






I’m a mess.  And for some reason I keep piling shit on top of myself.  "Yes, I’ll sub for her."  "Yea, I can do that."  "Sure, I’ll be there!"

Why can’t I stop and relax?  How do I relax? 
I don’t think I do it properly because if I have some time, I just end up working out and thinking about everything that has to get done and I get even more stressed out.

No fucking WONDER I’ve acquired secondary amenhorrea.

I didn’t dream last night- at least there’s no lingering aftereffects of any nightmares.  I just got over a migraine, so what am I going to do now?  Have a BREAKDOWN!?  Again?!

Sometimes I really need to remember that I’m not like everyone else.  I can’t handle some things other people find typical because my head isn’t all put together right. 
I know this; I understand this but I refuse to accept it. 

I am too fucking stubborn and headstrong and strong-willed and independent and… gah.

I’m just a little kid playing in a big kid world.  I mean, I feel that way- I’m teaching kids who are barely my junior.  I’ve been teaching for five years though (at 15 I was teaching 18 year olds).  Why all of a sudden am I so insecure?

And all of my peers/students are talking about parties and spending mom and dad’s money and I’m talking about moments of… of… well, STUFF and how I’m saving up because Mom and Dad took all my money.

(I’m not bitter… AHEM)

I guess I could take it out of my college fund.  I think there’s a grand in there or so.  I won’t be going to college anyway.

Jeana’s coming back into town today.  I told her I’d call her but I’m too fucked up to be talking to anyone.

I wish sometimes that people know what it’s like to be so physically and mentally exhausted that the tears just stream down your face and you are completely, utterly immobile.

Is that really childish of me?  Probably.  It’s just me being bitchy and a horrible person.  Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll call Craven, either.  And I actually think I can have a relationship…?  LIVE with someone? 


I’m in one of the dance rooms right now.  I just couldn’t handle being in the light and the people and I just had to be in here.  It’s my safe place.
I’m so burnt out but I have to be inside the dance room and moving to feel safe.  I mean… what?
I have to choreograph for tomorrow (0800) and that’s what I came in here to do but I can’t even think.

I’m eating everything out of house and studio.  I’m so hungry and I feel so guilty for being so hungry and eating so much.  My hormones have gone loco. 
But I figure I’m not eating as much as I should and that’s part of my problem.

I have class 0800-1300 tomorrow and then I teach 1600-1700, and more class 1700-1900.  I wonder how much of that I’m going to be able to make.

I skipped a class today because everything went in one ear and out another and I almost burst into tears more times than I can count.

Holy HELL this entry is long and rambling.

I guess I oughta go.  I don’t know if I should make this entry public, FO, or private…
I’ve been bitching so much lately that I shouldn’t make it public, my favorites are too amazing to be subject to this drivel but I don’t want to hide (ME!) the fact


…A what…?

And I told my mother I needed a break and she says, "Good job.  And you want to do this for a living?"
Annnnd I feel worse.  Because that’s my biggest pet peeve indeed…

†  INMATE  †


Wearing::  Black pants, black sports bra, gray tank, Vans
Last ate::  Preserves and fruit.  I’m hungry again.  ::sarcastically cheers::
Feeling::  Shitty.
Listening to::  Cleanin Out My Closet and Soldier by Eminem.

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July 25, 2007

I hope you feel better! You and I are so similar…I’ve been teaching for years, you remind me of myself when I was a bit younger. I co-own a studio now and its fabulous, though quite a juggle with college.

Wow, this all sounds so familiar. 😛 Seriously, as someone who can totally sympathise, it sounds like you are over-due for some real YOU time. Personally, I find that when I get SO burnt out that I’m crying and don’t even realize it for a while, a nap and a hot shower does WONDERS. So does going to the park … or reading … something just for you. 🙂 *hug*

July 25, 2007

Though relaxing does its best to avoid your list of activities. If you can squeeze a little old R&R in I would recommend it. (Anurisms suck)

July 25, 2007

Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes responsibility sucks. Sometimes we all need a safe place. Thinking of you.

July 25, 2007

Get someone with a car, grab a ton of your fav tunes, a 6-pack of (ICE cold) beers & p*ss off any direction to the ocean/river/Lake & chill…Other than that I cant offer anything else

July 26, 2007

I had a breakdown not too long ago and I can tell you it’s NO fun. Take a break before you end up hating everything. *hugs* And eat. If you’re hungry, eat.

July 26, 2007

i heard somestupid story of a frog that i’ll pass on to you. bored drug using farmers gathered a bunch of frogs to race up a long ass set of stairs. well they realised the stairs are too much and make endless comments how the frogs wont make it. and like they said one by one frogs began falling out. and this continued until only one frog was left. even with all the farmers still saying this

July 26, 2007

frog wont make it. well froggy kept frogging away and eventually made it to the top of the stairs. where he proceeded to do the froggy dance. anway getting back to the real story…they found out the frog who won was deaf. so he couldnt ear the bullsh^t negativity the rest heard. next story….dont push yourself so damn hard. its not that they can handle it better than you, its because your

July 26, 2007

both the same. you think people can handle shit better than you. well they think the same thing of you and others. why is a silly circle of u guys just pushing yourselves to the limit and beyond. i suggest cutting back and trying to enjoy life before complete adulthood. oh and *hugs* seems like you needed one. try smelling the flowers everyday.

July 26, 2007

Perhaps we should have an epic lightsaber battle….it helps me…

July 26, 2007

I’ve had these same thoughts before, so I wouldn’t freak out so much about feeling like you’re the only one. God… it’s hard, isn’t it? I mean, I keep thinking about what I have to do and then I worry MORE about it, and then that just makes it WORSE so then I try to forget about it so that I feel normal again… and then it gets worse anyway. You’re not alone *hugs* Feel better! Just relax 🙂

July 26, 2007

ryn: Thank you, sweetie. #18 is the truth, it’s how I roll. 😉 What’s amenorrhea? You know the thing about stress is most of it is self inflicted. We can’t control the problems or obstacles in life, but we CAN control how we handle it, hun. Be wary of your OWN health & take measures to take care of YOURSELF first. Try to put things in a column of what you CAN handle healthy & feel good. Anything

July 26, 2007

excess? Put it in the maybe later or TOO MUCH column. YOu gotta take care of yourself. No one else is going to watch out for you as much as YOU have to. And you should never feel guilty or have someone make you feel guilty for feeling exhausted. Remember, we all get there at some point or another. It sounds like you are burnt out for sure or past the point of exhaustion. Trust me, hun. I’ve been

July 26, 2007

there. I know what’s it like. I’ve worked 3 jobs, school & did nothing but sleep & eat & sometimes sleep eating & sleeping while driving. 🙁 ugh. Finally, before it got deadly, I pulled myself back, repositioned my life & did what I had to do to survive. I ended up following other dreams & Hopefully i can accomplish more. You have to know when to pull back. Take that vacation, sweetie. Do it.

July 26, 2007

Pick a place where you can totally lose yourself in the vacation, recharge your batteries in ALL areas, come back stronger & take on a schedule you can handle, stay sane & build your life. It’s all in your goals & dreams. You have to manage this. And you have to know when enough is enough. I don’t know your profession. All I know is you have the power to make changes in your own life. So do it. 😉

July 26, 2007

Take Care of yourself, sweetie & do know I’m always here or you can e-mail me ANY time to talk. I’ve been there. Too bad we can’t chat on the phone or take that trip to HI or share some salsa & cookies. 😉 But I am here anytime you want to talk. All ya gotta do is drop me a line. Be strong & Stay sane, Special K. You are an amazing person, just take care of ur inner child. 😉 Peace & Health. {X}

July 27, 2007

I hope you feel better! I’m sorry you’re having a rough time right now. I think we all get like this once in a while. I go through it about once a year with school. Twice in a bad year. I’m so jealous that you are a dancing. I danced from the time I was 4 until 20, but even though I loved it I never did much with it. No competitions or anything. I was at a small neighborhood school. I was considered one of the better dancers and for years I was in the most dances or someone who was in the most, that was five dances. I was always running around at the recitals trying to figure out which costume I had to put on next. Haha…I miss it! RYN: Thanks for your note! And I hope you feel better!

August 1, 2007

Jesus fvcking Christ, womanz. D: You’re working nonstop. Hokay, so here’s za plan, amiga. Pretend that one teacher asking for substitution is Vicodin, and another is uuhhh. Crack. There ya go. And now what do you say? “NO!!!” Say not to drugs. >w< [/wtfux corny.] How do you do it, m’lady? Maybe this isn’t the case, but people will ask others they KNOW won’t say no. (maybe, maybe not :S)

August 1, 2007

Don’t loose your flame, son/sun! Don’t burn out! (lololilOLolLol omfg I r teh punny <3)

August 8, 2007

Listening to the arch-nemesis of ICP? Blasphemy. Actually… If you promise not to tell on me, I too possess an Eminem CD. I’m not proud, but I keep it nonetheless.