SYTYCD, comprehensively speaking.

I am not going on to Vegas.  Sadly.  Life goes on.

Thursday morning I was awake at 0303… and then read the signs on the doors that read, "NO WAITING UNTIL 0800!" 
I was like "BLAAAAST…!  I coulda gotten more than an hour and a half of sleeeeep!"
But it was okay.  It was just below freezing outside, so that was more time I got to stay warm.  In my free time, my parents and I went back to the hotel and I ate a second breakfast. 

I was back in line at 0700 and made friends out the ass.  : )  0800 they begun with the cameras.  We had dance circles and I love dance circles- they turn into hip hop circles because hip hop dancers are the only ones comfortable being surrounded by cheering, jeering people.  I decided to go for it because well, why the hell not?  So I went in a circle (despite being majorly bundled up and still frozen) and jammed it out.  I dunno what I did but apparently everyone thought I was great.  Between urging from the producers and the other dancers (even hip hoppers that I had been admiring, WOW what a feeling) I participated in 2 or 3 more circles.

By the time we even entered the building, I became part of a clique of about 10-12 dancers.  We became real close and relied on each other quite a bit to get through stressful day 1. 
We waited in the theatre with only about 400 dancers for HOURS with no bathroom breaks, water, or food.  Can anyone say BOOT CAMP!?  And if you did anything wrong, the staff/producers would totally cuss you out.

So, while we were on deck for round 1, one of my goals was to make this security guard laugh… he was totally grumpy and stuck up and never even smiled.  So I totally jammed out (QUIETLY!) and finally I had him (and everyone else in my group, but they were easy) laughing.  It was great.
My group bonded right away- we were the shit man, no lie.  My side was 4 guys and myself- namely one popper who kept makin fun of my b-girlness, and another pop/locker (Robert) whom I clicked with right away.  While we were waiting he was consistently doing sudoku so I was teasing him… so it was only fair that when I was stretching he kept saying random things to keep me relaxed: "God, [Inmate], stop, that’s so hot!"  I finally just gave up and jogged in place, lol. 
Actually, I was probably called hot by at least 4 different people.  It was disconcerting because I’m not used to people I don’t know having the balls to tell me that they think I’m hot.  Wow.

There was this scary dude… who kept talking to the staff about his prostate (and at a later date he kept trying to go into the women’s restroom)… I say this with no shame- I turned tail away from him and put Robert inbetween me and him.  Robert was like, "What you doin?"  And I said, "You’re protecting me from the scary dude babbling about his prostate, mmk?"  He nodded solemnly, and then just laughed at me. 

Anyway, the first round was improvisation (in front of an executive producer and TRAVIS WALL!) and the ones I’d gotten really close to all made it.  WOO!
Then paperwork out the ass.  I was so hungry.  Made more friends!  😀
When I was finally able to go back to the hotel, I’d gotten so dehydrated my stomach was in knots- and the adrenaline was DEFINITELY not helping. 

Friday… I went shopping and prepared for callbacks on Saturday.

We were waiting in line Saturday at 0700 and we were all FROZEN again.  Anyway, 2nd round all my friends passed.  It was now down to about 30 individuals to perform our solos in front of 3 judges; Adam (the director of HAIRSPRAY and STEP UP 2), Mary Murphy and Nigel!! 

Hearing the judges DESTROY these people who were almost all very talented is the hardest thing in the world.  It totally plays hell on your sanity and is the most stressful thing in the world. 
No food or water, you’re on camera the whole time, and by the time you’re on deck waiting to dance you are shaking from head to toe. 

Anyway.  I performed to ‘Make It Hot’ by Nicole Wray and definitely didn’t do as great as I know I could have.  But I went up there to stand on that platform in front of those 3 judges with a smile on my face.  Thank God because…

Nigel said:  You lip-synched.  STOP.
Mary:  Yea.  Girl, you don’t need it.
Nigel:  You had some very interesting moves though that I liked.  VERY strong girl.  Good to see.
Mary:  I agree with Nigel- what I like about you is that you’re 100% girl but you have the strength of a dude. Also, you’re a bit on the wild side.  It’s refreshing to see because a lot of the time dancers train so hard to have total control and can’t let loose.  I liked you a lot.
Adam:  Frankly, I LOVED you.  That’s that.
Nigel:  We all want to see what else you can do.  You’re on for the choreography round.

OH MY GOD!  It was all totally positive!  I was ECSTATIC!  I went back to sit in my seat (there were 3 of us left out of 10) and people kept telling me, "That was so HoT!  Girl, you gave me chills!"  I was sooo happy.

Then, we had to wait freakin’ HOURS before the choreography round.  Robert gave me a ride to the grocery store during our 45 minute lunch leave… bless his heart.  I’d been starving.

The choreography round was simple choreography taught by Travis Wall and I was partnered with a street dancer named Corey (some other chick got inbetween me and Robert!  GRR!).  It was a simple, sexy routine with emphasis on the choreography.
I must have been more nervous than I thought because the judges told me that I overdanced and lost the choreography and ended up doing my own.  Sigh.  I only do that when I’m nervous.
At least I’d had the balls as they said, "You will not be going on to Vegas," to ask, "Why not?"  And they told me.  I hope I didn’t sound like a dumb ass but I really wanted something to take home with me. 

As soon as I stepped out of the auditorium- <stron

g>CAMERAS.  Freakin’ EVERYWHERE.  Had more interviews… when all you want to do is bawl out your stress, adrenaline, and frustration.  I made sure I was optimistic and positive because who knows who watches the footage?  What I said then could easily make me or break me in the future. 
Anyway, I finally ditched the camera guy when I found my stuff and went to a side door.  I drearily asked the security guard, whom I had made friends with earlier and I THINK had a little thing for me, if I could sneak out the side… and he let me out.  No more cameras… WHEW.

But I’m over it now, and I have contact with both Robert and another woman named Charkeitha who is interested in me doing master classes in Dallas this summer. 

Oh, and Nigel had an English lesson.  He looked up from his notes at this one girl and goes, "Wow, you have a big pussy!" 
Mary practically slaps him, and us dancers are practically screaming from laughter and disbelief.  Mary turns to us and asks, "Don’t you think if he’s going to be in America he has to learn the lingo!?" 
"What’s wrong with her pussy?" Nigel askes vehemently. 
"NIGEL!  We shouldn’t discuss this on NATIONAL TV!" Mary yells. 
"She has a 25 pound cat!" Nigel insists, "What’s wrong with that!?" 
Finally, they start whispering, but the microphone still routes their voices through a speaker right next to our holding area… Nigel finally whispers in realization, "Is pussy vagina!?" 
Oh my LORD.  Old English man… WOW!  That poor girl was probably traumatized.

So all is well that ends well and I remain optimistic and creative and pumped for the future. 


Wearing::  Black baggy strappy pants, dark gray THE PULSE t-shirt, black and red Pony jacket.
Last ate:: Jalapeno and cheese bread ham sandwich with lots of mustard.
Feeling::  Okay.  Still hungry.
Nail polish:: Fingers::  Black diamonds. 

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January 21, 2008

*hugs* they liked you right? so there’s next year?

January 21, 2008

I’m so sorry you didn’t make it! But you are so brave for trying! And you got a story to tell for a lifetime!

January 21, 2008

woooooo! i’m proud of you!

January 21, 2008

They don’t know what they’re missing. You went out there and danced your heart out. THAT’S what counts. You are my hero. =)

January 21, 2008

LOL at the ‘pussy’ comment!!! OMG I would have loved to see that!! The waiting sounds like it was brutal. At least you had the experience, and they did say positive things in the first round, so that’s awesome. I can’t believe you asked “why not?” LOL Can you imagine one of the American Idol people asking Simon that? ha ha I would have asked too, though, if I were you. I mean, you had theright to know. and you made friends! Awesome!! *hugs*

January 21, 2008

so you better go back again. you’re getting noticed and who knows, someone may see you and offer you an even better deal 🙂

January 21, 2008

What a fabulous experience. I think it’s nerves and stuff that really make good dancers mess up. Obviously, they loved you. On the next go ’round you’ll have a better idea of what to expect. Glad you made some great contacts, too. Big hugs and WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!

January 21, 2008

ty for your random note, it was very nice.

January 21, 2008

Hey at least you made it that far, look at the numbers, holy shit!!! *hugs*

January 22, 2008

Oh wow, it all sounds so exciting! That’s a shame you didn’t go all the way to Vegas, but their comments were great and hey, you got the choreography call-back at least! =D ryn: Thanks! I live really close to L.A. actually. =)

January 26, 2008

go you! I hope you’re right, I hope another project comes out of this.

January 29, 2008

That’s a funny story at the end. You need to tell me when this is on, since I don’t watch this show & if you are on there—> I DEFINITELY do. This reminds me what it’d prolly be like if I was on Tough Enough. I believe in myself, but there are things that wouldn’t work if I did it. At least you had the courage & determination to do this–>Twice, now? or more? You kick ass. Never Give up, kid!