
Yea.  I forgot to introduce Sven.  ::points to the top left hand corner of the page:: 

Meet Sven.  At his worst he goes by Drudge

He doesn’t say much, but he says his wife left him for a bamboozled Scottish Terrier whose previous owner was a wino. 
If you’re ever bored, he’s an avid conversationalist.

He says he’s tired of talking to me because all I do is talk about food.

Well, anyway.

†   INMATE   †

I’m surviving on coffee.  Go, me, go! 
  I don’t know.  Too much effort to figure it out.
Last ate::  If you leave food around me it’s gone.  I’ve been working on some hummus dip and pita chips I found the studio’s fridge. 
Feeling::  Over-exerted.  Strung out.  But en bloc, I’m doin pretty good.  : )


You Are The Magician  

You are powerful and wise – beyond what anyone can see.
Deeply complex, you have the resources to connect to the spiritual and material world.
You posses the knowledge to manipulate your life and the lives around you.
You also have a great healing power, should you choose to use it.

Your fortune:

You have unhidden powers that you have yet to tap into.
Soon, you will better understand how to use your intellect and intuition.
Believe it or now, you will discover how you can manipulate yourself and others for good.
You are at the beginning of a path of spiritual enlightenment.

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August 7, 2007

RYN: It’s a joke. James Ensor was a Belgian painter, and I’m a Spider-Man geek, so I combined them into “your friendly neighborhood Belgian painter”. =)

August 7, 2007

lol sometimes your sanity worrys me .how have you been gangsta!

August 7, 2007

RYN: no big deal about the note thing. I see that you easily get 5 bazillion notes for each entry, you’re very popular, so it’s no big deal if you can’t get around to responding to them 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement. If I find a recipe for craponade, I’ll let you know haha lol Hummus… I’ve never had any. Is it really good or just so-so? It sounds good, anyway.

August 7, 2007

** giggling **

August 7, 2007

Man, dude doesnt shut up! RYN: I like my job…f*ck grinding for a week & a half non-stop

August 8, 2007

hahaha, you made me laugh today…Your entries are always great to read…You take care of yourself and please enjoy your week. *Hugs and Smiles* ~Randi

August 8, 2007

Hi Sven. I have a friend with the last name Svensson…so maybe he’s my friend’s father or something…lol… I’m the Empress…I usually get High Priestess when its a quiz that you have to answer a lot of questions on.

August 8, 2007

O+O – WHOA! Talk about accurate! –

August 9, 2007

good lord you get a lot of comments. i think i’m lucky if i get one. haha. and hallo thar sven. and i’m glad my entry made you smile. haha. yay.

August 9, 2007

xD Oh, Inney, you so silly. RYN: *hug* Thanks. I’m not as sad anymore. I’m getting better. :3 THANKSH YOU, BABEH.

August 9, 2007

Speaking of spouses/spice? :O leaving others for animals. . . have you ever seen Woody Allen’s “Everything you Need to know about SEx but were too Afraid to Ask” ? 😀 Makes me think of the sheep. And if you haven’t seen it, I reccommend it.

August 9, 2007

I just had a long conversation avec Sven about politics. Intriguing views, really.

August 9, 2007

That’s a funny card. You will learn how to manipulate others for good. lol. You have some cool powers there. 😉 Sven looks a little pekid. Must be why his wife left him. ryn: Thanks for the birthday wishes. 🙂 I had the bio entry exposed, but not long enough evidentally. 🙁 Still a lot of info on me, not sure If I’ll make it faves…. ryn2: At least you think before you speak, right? 😉 {X}

August 9, 2007

p.s. Uneventful day, but filled with sleep, chilling, writing & eating. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans with cranberries plus Lasagna, soon. The family & I should have a party Saturday with home made tacos–>family tradition & hopefully i can convince my sister-in-law to make some of her famous brownies. Chips & salsa sounds good about now, too. No chips or salsa in site, tho. 🙁