Sum Quod eris, Fui Quod Es.

        So.  The other day I was walking through my living room and a thought hit me.  It was one of those thoughts that completely BLINDSIDE you- I had no idea where it came from or why it was inside of my head but it was so monumental that it blew me away.

      I knew it was important and that I’d eventually write about it.  However, I didn’t expect it to become so obscure between then and now that I’d hardly remember what it was about. 
      Sigh.  But I’ll try to give definition to the effigy

      I think the thought had to do with the DARKNESS.  Yes, I remember now.  I’d been skulking around when I thought, ‘I love the dark.  What would it be like if I were afraid of it?  How would my life change
      ‘After all, I am but another shadow.
      ‘We are but kin.
      ‘And I wouldn’t share this bond if it weren’t for the people who are in my life.’
      That was when I’d gotten that feeling… that feeling where your heart thuds to a complete, breathtaking stop and swells into your throat.  Like someone’s walking over your grave, the one that was dug several hundreds of years ago.
      ::chuckles::  That’s another story, though, another tale for another day.

      This particular tale is about EROSION, the erosion and deposit that molds a soul.

      Human nature is bred to ebb and grow, to rub on each others’ defenses and fuel their fires.  Human instinct is, at base, feral and uncouth.  –Primitive-
      How can I say this so surely?
      Because I am a reflection of those I know and those I cherish, having absorbed their energies and their negativity.

      All of you have created me.

      So am I real, being bred solely from your minds?
      Yes, if only you are willing to believe.
      For I am what you wish me to be and I am exactly what you need at exactly the right time.
      I can change with the seasons, comfortably participate in seven different cliques yet when the sun goes down I am truly invisible- truly ecstatic. 

      I have been returned to my element.

      Is it what I’ve learned that makes this possible?  Is it my knowledge?  My wisdom?  Or is it inherent, instinctive talent?

      I suppose.  But ultimately it is YOU who I should give thanks to… 

      YOU who is the source of my biggest pain and biggest boon.

      Are you proud of me?
      Better yet, am I proud of who I am?  Of WHAT I am?

      Meh, indeed, but at the worst of times I merely think, ‘Time reveals all things.  Even the shadows.’

      Peace and health.



Wearing::  Dark gray/Maroon basketball pants and light gray wife beater.
Last ate::  Too many kidney beans for my digestive system to handle and a sandwich.
Feeling::  Controversial… too early to tell.

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October 21, 2006

I’m proud of you. 😀 Stay who you are. Break the mould. Punch your way out of the box. Nuke your way out of standards. Kill your way out of. . . (etc) <3

October 21, 2006

How all surrounding us impact us. All the pressure around one stone can either make it crumble, or press it into a diamond. Do you regret anything? Do you embrace all; whatever is to come? To which note do you move in life?

October 22, 2006

CCY is Children’s Courtyard

I’ll read your writings later but i truly truly like avacados 🙂 i used to eat it on toast with marmite but now i just eat them by them selves

October 23, 2006

You think alot for one so young. Not a bad thing, actually quite attractive…

October 23, 2006

The cat doesnt mind she looks pretty XD

October 23, 2006

to be honest, i dont like to read so i didnt read your diary i just skimmed thanks for reading mine though 🙂

I dont think it tastes like guacamole cause i dont like gucamole! If youre going to try it you should try it in a sandwich or salad first cause its quite wierd!

October 24, 2006

you make several good points there. we are what we surround ourselves with. it’s amazing to think of how different our lives would be if we were to change only one element of it. wow!