Stereotyping survey… with my commentary… GREAT

[ ] You got the massive side fringe thing going on.  (Me:  Fringe?  Like an eskimo?)
[] You think nobody understands you.
[ ] You went to Give It a Name.  (Me:  What?  I have a name, thanks.)
[] You wear studded belts.
[] You wear band hoodies.  (Me:  I would if I had one but I guess you have to have money to be an emo.)
[ ] Camden is your life.
[] The expression on your face is mostly a sulk.
[ ] You cry when you see dead animals.
[X] Boys clothes are great because they’re purposely baggy.  (Me:  Most of my wardrobe is male clothing.)
[] You don’t like your body.  (Me:  I love my body, don’t you?)
[X] You love brightly coloured eyeshadow.  (Me:  Makeup… my most female hobby…)
[X] The more piercings a boy / girl has, the more turned on you are.  (Me:  Tell me where you got ’em!  Hehe!)
[ ] You are phobic of the preps because they’re too damn happy.
Total: 3. 
(Me:  Guess I’m not emo.)

[ ] You love Alice bands.  (Me:  I like Alice in Wonderland cuz the guy was insane!  Does that count?)
[X] You live for vintage.  (Me:  For CHEAP vintage… hmm… well, maybe not LIVE… but pretty close.)
[ ] You’re a damn skinny bitch / bastard.  (Me:  NOPE!)
[X] If you could, you’d talk about music all day.
[ ] You rate Jeff Buckley, Belle and Sebastian, and Jenny Lewis.
[X] You are intelligent and love literature and art.
[ ] People who wear Nirvana hoodies are such sheep.
[X] You talk about music with real passion.  (Me:  …I’m a JUGGALO, fool, of course!  Music is my life.)
[X] You’d rather sit and appreciate music then trying to fight your way to the front and pathetically scream the singer’s name.  (Me:  I punch people in the back, too.  Rawr.)
[ ] You are pretty mature, but a bit stuck up.
[ ] It makes you want to throw up when you see girls in massive furry boots!  (Me:  I love the exclamation mark at the end of this statement.  That’s some pretty passionate pukin.)
[ ] You fall for boys with messy hair and vintage jeans / pretty, petite girls with quirky style.  (Me:  I fall for guys whose pants are barely hangin on.  Just thought I’d throw that in there… yea…)
[ ] You’re naturally shy or confident in a quiet way.
Total: 5.
(Me:  Perhaps I’m Indie?)

[ ] Your screename, user name, or quote on your page is something from a poem.
[ ] You wear metal crosses.  (Me:  I would if I had one.  But apparently you have to have money to be a Goth, too.)
[X] You fear the word "conformist". 
[X] You love walking home alone in the dark.
[] You wear thick black eyeliner.  (Me:  With my dark circles?  Fuck no.  I tend to try to avoid looking like the walking dead.  And I’m not talking about the attractive walking dead… I’m talking about the dead with weeks of decomposition.)
[ ] You wear dark lipstick.  (Me:  Sometimes.)
[X] You love the dark side to things.  (Me:  I am the dark side.  Luke, come to meeee!)
[] You still listen to Evanescence.
[ ] Your favourite books are by Anne Rice.
[] And the greatest show in the world is Buffy.  (Me:  Was a great show.  But X-Files far surpassed Buffy.)
[] You’re romantic. 
[ ] You have long hair, possibly dyed black. (It used to be…)
[X] You write your own fan fiction, poetry, or anything to do with vampires.
[X] You prefer to be alone.
[] You like to sit in you local graveyard with friends(Me:  I don’t know why ‘with friends’ is crossed out.  I don’t even know why ‘with friends’ is on there.  I’m a necrophiliac- you think ANY of my friends would let me anywhere NEAR a graveyard?  So I don’t know how to answer this question, exactly.  I would love to go to the local graveyard… but I can’t.  OOOH  Dammit I’m getting excited I need to move on- NEXT QUESTION ASAP-)
Total: 5.  
(Me:  This is totally eliminating the graveyard question.  Maybe it should count as half a point.  Hell, it should probably count as two.  But I’m just going to ignore it… uhhhhh need to move on…)

[ ] You have a lot of exclamation marks and smiley faces in your screename.
[ ] Your MySpace pics are of you and your friends cuddling, smiling and making the peace sign at parties.
[ ] You say "OMG!" and "Love you, babe!" all the time.  (Me:  LIKE OH MY GAWD!  …No.)
[ ] You love pink.
[ ] You fall for cute blonde guys who play sports / cute blonde girls who wear bronzer.  (Me:  LIKE OH MY GAWD!  … no.)
[ ] You cry at films like A Walk to Remember, Titanic, and The Notebook.
[X] You love cuddly dogs and cats.
[X] You’re always smiling.  (Me:  Life is great- why not!?)
[X] You really care deeply for your friends and family and would do anything for them.
[ ] You make sure everybody knows it’s your birthday by wearing a massive badge and hat.
[ ] Every event has to be celebrated full on.
[ ] Where would the world be without shopping?  (Me:  For sunglasses, maybe.  But that’s all you get.)
[] You are very sensitive.
Total: 3.
(Me:  Guess I’m not prep, either.)

[X] You swear a lot.  (Me:  Yep…)
[ ] You’re still wearing velour tracksuits and not just as pyjamas or to the gym.
[ ] If it’s not branded, what’s the point?  (Me:  I’m not a horse.)
[ ] You wear a lot of mascara.
[] You come from a big family.
[ ] You slick your hair back and wear a visor / cap.
[X] You talk back to teachers at school.  (Me:  Well, I had a tendency to when I a

[ ] Getting on buses seems to be your life.
[ ] You drink mostly alcho-pops and beer.
[ ] Pink and / or white are the colours you wear all the time.
[ ] You talk at three times the necessary volume, anywhere you go.
[] You never see the point in going home.
[ ] Your wear teeny denim mini skirts.
[ ] You like to hang outside your local shop.
Total: 2.
(Me:  Good thing I’m not Chav.  I don’t even know what the fuck it is.)

[] You listen to rap and only rap.  (Me:  I’m a dancer so I listen to all kinds of music.  But rap is definitely MY music.)
[ ] Your friends are mostly, if not all, black.  (Me:  No, I’d say about half.)
[X] It’s very hard to find your weak spot. 
[X] You believe in rebellion.  (Me:  Only if necessary- rebelling to rebel is just stupid and I make fun of people for that.)
[ ] You wear mostly caps or your hood up. 
[X] You’re often picking fights with the rival gangsta gang.  (Me:  This is only half true- I pick fights with anyone, I don’t care who they are.  I don’t care what your colors are, I’ve tried pick fights with the Mexican Mafia and Crips before just because I could.  And now I’ve got a boyfriend who says that I don’t scare anyone.  Shiiiiit.  He’s the only person that thinks that- must be cuz he lives five states away!)
[ ] You come from a broken home.
[] You take the view that it’s a cruel world and everyone has to look out for themselves.
[X] You stand outside your house for no reason.  (Me:  For some reason, this is embaressing to admit.)
[X] In your house and car you have a ghetto blaster and play it with the windows open. 
[ ] You go to underground clubs of which you get searched for drugs at the front.  (Me:  I don’t go clubbing.  I have no life.)
[X] You’re tough.
[X] And when you swear, it has way more menacing impact than the Chavs.
Total: 7.
(Me:  Yep, I’m Gangsta.  ::laughs ass off::)

[X] You wear baggy jeans most of (if not all of) the time.
[ ] You’re proud that you smoke pot.
[ ] Everyone like you congregates in a certain place.  (Me:  There is no one like me- except one.  And hell no we don’t congregate.)
[X] You wear band t-shirts. 
[ ] You hate Chavs.  (Me:  WHATS A CHAV!?!?  Better yet, what in the fuck is a Greebo?  Or a Weebo?  If anyone’s reading this… PLEASE note me and let me know…)
[] You sulk a lot.
[X] You have self inflicted scars. 
[] You think about death a lot.
[X] You scare old people when they walk past.  (Me:  I don’t discriminate.  I scare all people when I’m not paying attention.)
[X] Most of your clothes are dark.
[X] You use pencil eyeliner.
Total: 6.
(Me:  Soooo… I’m almost a Greebo.  But I don’t know what in the balls it even is.)

[ ] You wear black, always(Me:  Well, no, there ARE really freak days that I don’t wear any black.  Which isn’t today or yesterday- I can’t remember any further than that.)
[ ] You worship the devil.
[ ] You hate rap.  (Me:  GASP!  Blasphemy!)
[ ] You worship Slipknot and / or Nirvana.
[] You’d like to die like a rockstar.  (Me:  How do rockstars die?)
[ ] You wear your eyeliner in lines down your cheeks.
[ ] You hand out your fags like candy.
[ ] You’re old school because you’ve been a "Greebo" for 6 months.
Total: 0.
(Me:  NOPE, I’m definitely not a weebo.  Whatever that is.)

[X] You go tanning (In my backyard- does that mean I’m rich??)
[ ] You watch The OC/Laguna Beach/The Hills.
[ ] You own a cell phone.
[] You love going to the mall.
[ ] You take your cellphone everywhere.
[] You own an iPod/MP3 player. (I WISH!)
[X] You love Starbucks.  (Great shit when you want to splurge)
[ ] You have been called a brat.

Total: 2

[ ] You can skateboard.  (I can fall on my ass!  Wanna see?)
[] You wear plaid.
[] You love Converse.
[x] You think you’re different.
[ ] You hate MTV.
[ ] You have moshed  (I’m working on it, kay?  Hah. )
[] You have/had/want blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair or highlights.
[ ] You love skater/surfer girls/boys.
[ ] You dislike pink.
[ ] You hate rich kids (I don’t hate them personally,
I hate the fact that most have such a blessing and take it for granted.)
Total: 1

[] You love computers.
[X] You like Star Wars.   (LOVE!  LOVE!  OHHH STAR WARS… without SW my life would be hell)
[x] You did/were/are supposed to wear glasses.
[] You get straight A’s.
[x] You love reading.
[] You are/were in band.
[] You don’t care what you look like.
[ ] You have a curfew.
[] You always do your homework.
[X] You never miss school unless your sick.  (Once I learned skipping school is not conducive to good grades.  Hehe.)
Total: 4 (I’m kinda a geek!)

[X] You wear/own a bandana  (Several.  Use them often.)
[ ] You love the Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, etc.
[ ] You never walk anywhere.
[x] you wear slip-on shoes.  (I’m wearing Vans right now)
[ ] You love Norma Jean.  (No I don’t like hillbillies.)
[] You wear band tees.
[x] People have called you a freak and meant it.
[ ] You love to "hardcore" dance.  (I don’t know what that is.)
[X] Your hair has been dyed in more than one color.
[ ] You will kill if called a satinist.
Total: 4

[ ]You watch the Superbowl.
[ ] You own track shoes or cleats
[ ] You collect your jerseys
[X] You have a special shelf for trophy’s and awards.  (More like two or three shelves, not to be full of myself, but there’s way too many)
[ ] You have posters or plaques of famous athletes. 
[ ] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.  (Just because I have a brother.)
[ ] You belong to a school team.  (Down with school, up with independents!)
[ ] You are going to a sports summer camp.
[ ] You have a specific number prefered for your jersey.
Total: 1

[  ] You Own Anime
[  ] You own Manga
[ ] You’ve cosplayed
[ ] You’ve had Ramune or Boba
[  ]You’ve bought a box of Pocky
[ ] You love videogames
[  ] You listen to Jrock/Jpop
[]You know some Japanese
Total: 0.  (I don’t know what any of this shit is even talking about.)

So basically I’m a Gangsta/Greebo.
What’s a Greebo?
But I didn’t include Goth, because I don’t know what to do about the cemetary question.  If I included it, I would be a Gangsta/Goth/Greebo. 
Nobody can stereotype me.
I told you, it’s impossible.

Wearing::  Black leotard, baggy black windbreaker material pants that are two sizes too big and a purple/hot pink (ACK!) tight long-sleeved see-through shirt thing.
Eating::  Frozen raspberry yogurt.  That’s good shit right there.
Listening to::  ‘Knock on Wood’ by… by… I don’t know.  ::makes something up::  Lemonberry Smoothie.

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September 6, 2006

Hahah, this is really funny. 🙂 I may have to steal this. Your commentary is great, by the way. ryn: It’s not a private school, but if I lived anywhere else I wouldn’t get to go there. So yeah, semi-lucky. 😉 And I find the interestingness of a class largely depends on the teacher, hehe.

September 7, 2006

RYN:Thank U 4 your comment.It’s nice 2 meet another Juggalo on this site. I, 2,am a juggalo,but I guess U gathered that from my name. **I read your survey here, & found it somewhat interesting, & have only 1 comment.I don’t think your definition of NECROPHILIAC,means what U think it does. NECROPHILIA,is the desire 2 have SEX w/ DEAD PEOPLE. As big a fan as I am of ICP, I just couldn’t do that.

November 13, 2006

i am very anti-stereotype as well. i think they’re bullshit. labels are for cans.