Splooge, says Smooge.

I try to open-minded about everything.  But I still don’t understand country music.  The American Music Awards are on right now.  : ) 

I got me a MySpace.  Now people can’t complain to me about my not having one.  Heh heh.  And then we can all be friends!  *Dances*

Annd… I got worse, sick-wise (stupid garage-sale- it was sprinkling and everything).  So no out-of-town for me.  I am stuck in this house all next week.   
Yep.  *Sits*
I felt REALLY bad.  Going stay with Jeana was my last-ditch attempt to heal things.  Truthfully, I didn’t want to go anywhere but I knew I needed to. 
My mom said I couldn’t go and it took all I had to say I needed to go.  And then I got sicker.  I’ve been sick for the past two weeks.  Curious.
I’ll get over it.


Wearing::  Blue plaid pj pants, gray Air Force issue shirt.
Last ate::  Sweet and Sour pork and rice.  I’m drinking Lemon-Lime Kool-Aid right now like no other.
Feeling:: Sick.  Sigh.  I’m going work out.

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November 18, 2007

Sorry you’re feeling sick. Glad you wrote an entry, though. You’ve been on my heart and mind. Big hugs.

November 18, 2007

you should add me myspace.com/violetrage

November 19, 2007

Now you’re gonna join the chorus of people who complain about me not having one! *laughs*

November 19, 2007

hope you’re ok. sorry you cant get out of the house but at least you know you have support on here 🙂

November 19, 2007

Cruise ships???

November 20, 2007

I hope you feel better. Being sick is the pits. I don’t get country music either. I used to love it eleven years ago, but I don’t really tolerate it any more.

November 20, 2007

i just got over a cold

November 21, 2007

MYSPACE? After much badgering,I got myself a FACEBOOK account. Unfortunately,I had 2 use my real name.., no TOONTOWNJUGGALO there. They said it sounded like a “made-up name”. Well, DUH!! It’s confusing as all hell there & I don’t like it much. How’s your YOUTUBE thing comin’ along? I look forward 2 seeing your dance vid’s. I like that stuff. Like wrestling, I like it, but could never do it.