Sound-effect word of October: DOOSH.

What I learned on FRIDAY:  Young boys have a love/hate relationship with this thing called the floor.  At any given opportunity, they will throw themselves on the ground and call it breakdancing.  Their attention spans are all of 5 minutes long and can comprehend the immediate future about as well as a frog
Teaching 10 boys age 6-10 for an hour of hip hop was enough to drive me half-mad (only half).  I did alright… made them do push ups when they started beating on each other… and got some bonus points.  But I lost all my "cool" points when I didn’t know what a "suicide circle" was.  Apparently it’s some circle in football… and since I didn’t know that, I was just another "GIRL". 
Too bad.  Apparently before the "suicide circle" incident, I was male. 
(That’s not TOO scary, I promise…)

Sunday night a dance friend and I crashed a pre-teen party.  Nah, actually we were working it… we were "Keeping the party going"-ers.  Word.  We were a little nervous… bonded, we did.  For TWO straight hours we bounced up and down (hip hopping) and kept 65 10-14 year olds dancing on the floor.  There was a DJ and everything and we did real well.  I learned/invented moves that ranged from the "Skittles rainshower" to the "lawn-mower" (my personal fave) to the "Jack-in-the-Box" to the "Meat grinder" -yea, there were a lot of boys there.  Got to eat free pizza and fruit and drank water until we felt sick at the very end.  Good pay.  Good gig.  You can bet I gave the DJ my name and number to call me if he hears of any other opportunities.  : )
And one of the two b-day boys finally mustered up the balls to ask me to slow dance.  It was cute.  A little awkward considering he just turned 13 but whatever.  I eventually paused and said, "Hey, man, you aren’t pimpin’ by any chance, are you?"
He made a face and someone nearby says, "Yea he is, his girlfriend is over there!"
I scolded him and asked him why he wasn’t dancing with his girl.
Very defensively, he said, "But I already danced with her!" 
I just shook my head.  13 year olds.    Gotta love ’em!

And then I had to wake up early the next morning to audition for ‘Dirty Dancing’ the stage show
Yea, it was pretty funny.  Believe me, I looked SO much better the night before in my hip hop gear than I did in a pink ruffly skirt and heels.  *Scowls*  I was SO out of my element but that’s what I love about auditions… they broaden your horizons! 
No, I’ve never taken a ballroom class in my life (although I have learned the basics of the salsa and am pretty good at faking a lot of it) and honestly, I even disliked the movie.  Yes, I went anyway.  A) GREAT experience.  B)  You never know what they’re looking for.  : )
I was a little *GASP* self-conscious in my skirt.  Not the heels- I LOVE wearing heels and wear them often (can anyone say "Yay for normal height!?").  But my body type, ahem, differed drastically from the other girls.  Even the guys.  Can we say AWKWARD!? 
I don’t think ballroom is exactly the best style to have your calves ripping out from your legs (for example).
I met SO many people though… even had a buddy while waiting for my ride.  His name was Alejandro Bueno and we were peering in through the blinds of the audition room (watching the second cut) when my dad suddenly showed up at the foot of the stairs.  I must have jumped a foot in the air. 

Needless to say, I have FINALLY hit a low- I.  AM.  TIRED.  Wow.  Good times though. 
That’s all that matters, eh?

†   INMATE  †

Wearing::  Capri sweatpants and a navy blue Limited Too halter top.  I can’t believe I’m even dressed right now…
Last ate::  ZOMG A chocolate chip cookie.  Mmmm.
Fingernail polish: Precious glow (crimson)  Toenail polish: Plum to Pink with pink & purple glitter.  : )

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October 9, 2007

The Lawn-mower is truly excellent. Did any of them known the Sprinkler, both all-purpose white boy dances, or the Cat Burglar? I could show you them. Dirty Dancing? You didn’t… *gasp* … dance dirty, did you? RYN: Sounds like you did phenomenally well. And, just so you know, you always have a spot reserved on my slow dance card. =)

October 9, 2007

Wow…you tried out for Dirty Dancing? That’s so awesome!!!!

October 9, 2007

Those boys were lucky to have you there! =) I would sooooooo love to see you dance. If I ever get something better than dial-up, I will be stalking you for a video of you dancing! Smooches!!!

October 10, 2007

The Lawnmower cracks me up every time I see it. Dirty Dancing is cheesy, yes, but it has a spot in my heart since I grew up watching it, lol.

October 10, 2007

There’s a ‘Dirty Dancing’ stage show? I wonder if, one day in the future, all of the “cult classic” movies will be made into stage shows… Skittles rainshower… meat grinder…? I don’t recognize any of those dance moves lol Have fun teaching preteen boys! At least they seem to have enough energy, right? energy=good dancing, yeah? I like how you make them do push-ups ^_^

October 10, 2007

Hey, ninja. So it took you 6 days to tell us you are tired now? lol. Are you still eating late & gaining energy or did you get that sorted out? Inquirying minds wanna know…And just a chocolate chip cookie? No fruit or ice cream on top of it or some crazy jedi combo? hmmm… lol. Just messing with ya, of course. 😉 You know I love ya. 😉 Keep taking the gigs & auditions, you just never know…

October 11, 2007

Awesomepossum! (it’s my thing, it’ll catch on, you wait 😉 That’s so cool that you went to an audition out of your element. And you’re right, you never know what they’re lookin’ for 🙂 Very CooL!

October 12, 2007

suicide cirle? i figured it was a break dance suicide but you. spin horiontaly or something.

October 14, 2007

so how did the audition go?

October 15, 2007

“Nobody makes ‘Baby’ sit in the corner!” You didn’t like the movie? Gosh. I have to admit that I liked it, not enough to add it to my collection of movies (right next to my ‘Grease’), but it’s still good. Ugh, unless you listen to the soundtrack. Most of it is from the era, but Patrick Swayze as a singer. GACK! (finger in my throat) I’ve heard cats fight with more harmony! Keep dancin’! –