So You Think You Can Dance (Day 2)

I made the first two cuts- the first was an improv, the second was the performance of a solo to your choice of music.
Well, I rocked the first improv but my solo was shit, man.  They didn’t start my music at the right time so I had to freestyle AGAIN  and that definitely ain’t my strong suit. 

But, all three judges, Nigel, Mary and Shane, wanted me to go on to the choreography round. 
The very first thing any of them said after I was done freestylin’ was Nigel: "My GOD, you’re different."  Which I guess was good- but I get that from everyone who watches me.  And they ragged on my parallel aerial… and Nigel said I had lots of strengths and I shouldn’t show my weaknesses (like freestyling… holy shit I think I missed ALL of the fuckin’ beats but they didn’t say nothin’ about it) along with them.  And SHANE SPARKS said he liked me and he really wanted to see me perform his choreography. 

GASP.  I said, "I would LOVE to"  Haha.

Anyway.  I got cut at the choreography round for (I believe) many reasons.

1)  They had filled their quota (of short brown-haired females?)
2)  I was probably "over the top"
3)  I had a bad partner. 

Now, my partner, a very amazing ninja by the name of Michael Manson (so I never forget)- he was a street dancer.  Totally street cred, aka no training, but pop and locked like a MOFO!!  He was a very gorgeous man.  Not as beautiful as Shane, but VERY close- plus, Michael is my age. 

Not only was he pretty, he was extremely, extremely sweet.  By no means when I say he was a bad partner do I hold anything against him.  I don’t know if he knows it but he taught me so much at this event. 

You could say I had a little infatuation (little?) and I was thrilled when during the choreography round the teacher said "Grab a partner!" and me and Michael BOOM landed in each others arms- pretty literally.  The poor dude was FREAKIN out so I was trying to learn AND teach him at the same time, man. 
Happens when you’re street cred- learning other people’s choreography is hard shit- especially ballroom/contemporary like we had to.

The judges had me partner the first few audition times with another guy before I got back to Michael- who was front and center and forgot most of the choreography.  Oh my Lord.    Poor sweet, gorgeous Michael.
The judges told me to scoot back to dance with another dude and Michael turns around like dude was about to cry or somethin- he’d been counting on me to help him out.  : (

Completely off subject but… dancin with him in the wings was the first time a guy has turned me on in a looooooong time.  Like… trying to remember choreography when you have someone that sexy right behind you? 
Haha, that shit’s fuuuNNY!!! 

After we performed (together!), he was almost in tears, "I’m sorry, I’m a bad partner, you’d tell me if I were really bad, right?  But I’m so sorry."  Actually, the highlight of what we’d just performed was when he relaxed enough in the middle of it to smile… it was the biggest one I’d seen him give me and I’ll never forget that moment.  : )

Anyway, he was cut right before I was.  He’d waved at me and left… I got cut and left to search for him.  I wanted to say bye, give him a hug, maybe ask if he wanted to catch a bite to eat before we split to different parts of the country (he was from Michigan).  I saw him in the lobby making phone calls, I made myself conspicuous and I ran back to get my stuff…
But he was gone when I got back. DAMMIT!

I think that’s what depresses me the most about the audition.  He was so sweet and so hard on himself but he did his best and that’s all anyone would have ever asked for.  And I didn’t even get to tell him that.  I’d also meant to tell him that I thought he was gorgeous… sigh. 
Such are missed opportunities.
But it wouldn’t have worked anyway- he’s as broke if not broker than I am and lives too far away.  Me and long distance relationships… ehhh, way too hard. 

Yea, so I wandered around at 10 on a Friday night in Chicago by myself, lost and totally uncaring, after the biggest few days of my life. 
Krazee depressing. 

Almost fell asleep on the train but woke myself up and started ticking (yes on the train- there were some British tourists there… probably thought I was totally psycho).  I got my hands and arms pretty good:  now I just gotta do something with my footwork- that shits pathetic.

He’s 5’9, shaved head, wore brown and a hat and had the prettiest milk chocolate skin…
Sigh.  I fall hardest for the guys with street cred, lol.
Also if they’re black… I seem to have this thing with black dudes- especially if they dance. 
Holy shit.

This has been amazing and I’m so terribly inspired by Michael, the Destroyer (YeA!) and Will, to name three of the sickest guys there.

Michael::  Pop and lock.  Definitely helped that he was eye candy and I could watch him all day if he were sitting in a fucking chair.

The Destroyer::  Y’all will see this motherfucker on TV, dude, he’s the sickest ticker/strober I’ve seen.  He was helping me clean up some of my moves.  We’ll see if I improve in the next few days.  : )

Will::  Sraight up EVERYTHING.  Ninja is amazing to watch.  Krumps, klowns, pops, locks.  He’ll be on tv, too.  He danced without a shirt.  He had some really nice abs… it was a shame when he put back on his shirt. 

Honestly, I’m not sure if I was ready for the show.  I AM young and not used to partnering.  I haven’t ever danced club-style or school-style even.  This has just been the best experience I could have asked for.

I miss Michael, though.
I need me a man just like him.  Dude knew his manners too.  I like that. 

Bah, didn’t mean to turn this into a ‘Michael’ entry.  I just feel really bad about that…  <img alt="" src="

22.gif” />
Peace, I need some fucking sleep, dude.


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March 10, 2007

well its all abuot the experience isnt it 😉 you going to try next year?

March 10, 2007

There is always next year! Im sure if you work on the things you were not the best at this year you will be a shoe in! Glad you got to have those exciting days!! Some of us have NO excitement in our lives like THAT! Who knows…maybe it was meant to be and someday you and Michael will end up together!?!

March 10, 2007

Oh and Im going to add you onto my personal diary. This (ShaiAnn) diary is something I am keeping for my daughter so she can read it someday when she gets older. My diary name is AmberDawn…lol Just so you know when your added…is me! lol

March 10, 2007

Alright, this is me adding you to my other diary! lol

March 10, 2007

Hey, you still kicked ass. =) And moreso, you learned things you can improve on in order to kick still more ass. I am so proud of you! *big sweeping hugs*

March 11, 2007

Still can’t wait to see you in the suditions 🙂 And now, you know what to work on if you decide to go back next year. AND you don’t have to give up the cruise ship job. Are you taking that, by the way?

March 11, 2007

RYN: *hugs* Thank you, sweetheart. I’m very glad to know I have your shoulder to lean on.

March 11, 2007

GAH!! I founded you!! Tis the Devilishly one incognito!! Added you to Fav’s. 😀 Come see me again!! And congrats on making it to round two! At least now you’re more ready…more experience. 😀

March 11, 2007

RYN: If my hair did turn green I’d be the tallest m’f*ckin oompa loompa ever!!! Scroty & I have had a few ‘crump offs’ when we’re bored at work…I proberly look like Im epileptic or something…

March 12, 2007

wait wait so what your telling me is you’ve never danced in a club? wow your almost missing out. so whats ticking and strobing? I never thought about it before but i’m totally street and club style. losers in kansas dont like to dance. except for a little sala once in a while and theres barely enough latinos to support that.

March 12, 2007

Wh-what is… “ticking”? Just wondering. A fan,

March 16, 2007

awww…that sucks…so far away…i LOVE the black guys!

March 21, 2007

No worries m’babeh! <3 you're going to be on TV next time. :] But what’s this quota bullshit about?! D:< I woulda been like, "But are they NATURAL brunettes? ^__^" I dunno. XD But you know what you should do? you should get a videocamera or something and put your moves on youtube so that we can see your ill feet and all the like. That’d be epic. :]

March 21, 2007

As long as you had a fun experience, though! That’s what counts. You were badass. :B I wish I was there to see.