
Where do I live again?  Cuz I could’ve sworn I spent the better part of this morning AND evening running and sliding all around the block on sheets of ICE!! 


((I only wiped out ONCE and that was my dog’s fault.  No, really!  See, I was running… running as if for the Olympic gold… and then I was sliding like a pro until my body ceased traveling forward, causing my feet to WHOOSH, slip out from underneath me-
From my stunned, prone position (i.e. on my stomach in the middle of the road) I looked back… and my dog was indifferently sniffin a mailbox.  The dog left me hangin’ for a MAILBOX!  ::shakes head and grumbles:: 
I could have BROKEN myself… but at least SHE got to sniff some other dog’s urine.    HMPH!

We now take a break in this regulary scheduled entry to ask the other pressing question…

"How OLD am I again?"

But it’s okay.  We’re still cool.    We had many of these moments while living in MN in the dead of winter and having a pond in the backyard.  You could say we’ve learned to reconcile our differences…
Inmate says (at age 11):  "If you pull me on the sled, you can go sniff your favorite tree?  Kay!?"
Eboney (dog):  *Woof of agreement*
::dog gets buried in snowbank & Inmate falls off sled::
But I’m completely off track now.))
DID YOU KNOW… In Minnesota, you go outside for recess if it’s above -15 degrees!?  -15!!!!!!!!!
The first day I went to school it was -10 and they wouldn’t let me stay inside.  I was a TEXAN- I’d never even experienced below 20 degrees!  I FROZE! 


Anyway.  Back on track now…

Today my mom even made PANCAKES for lunch (First time I’ve had pancakes in SEVEN months!)… dance was cancelled yesterday and today and probably tomorrow, too.
Yay for break, boo for no paycheck! 

And there’s left-over pancakes for tomorrowSTIMULATING OF THE APPETITE MUCH!?  ::dances!::  I’m so EXCITED! 
I poured strawberry pie filling on my pancakes today.  They were amazingly delicious.

Let’s see… Kelly says that in 3 months he’s being deported to Iraq.   GREAT.
My ex says that he will be on leave (HERE) in a month.  GREAT.  (aka AHHHHHHH!)

My back is more or less doing better… I overworked it today with all of the *AHEM* mature running and sliding I did all over the neighborhood but…

What can you do?

SNOW and ICE in Austin comes around once in a decade!   

Peace and health.

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Interesting colored plaid pj pants, red and black plaid Lumberjack jacket (no, it doesn’t match my pants at all), pink shirt with cacti.
Last ate::  Spinach salad, some Pizza Rolls, and marshmallows with peanut butter!
Feeling::  Energetic.  Can-can anyone!? 
Nail polish::  NONE!!  …?


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January 17, 2007

Hey, I’m older than you and I still dig sliding around on ice and sledding in the snow. That’s universal. =)

Hahahahaha!! Damn Texans! Can’t handle our winters. 😛 *is talkin’ smack cause I’s coooooold too!* *huggles*

January 17, 2007

lol @ the Minnesota recess thing. My mom is a “recess” lady. God that sucks. hahaha. =]

January 17, 2007

it snowed up here!!!!! right now i think it’s just ice though…but idk, i haven’t been out there since, like, yesterday!

January 17, 2007

Marshmallows with peanut butter? Odd combination… You’re not a native Texan? I’m utterly shocked! When did your family move to Texas? I’m wondering what -10 or -15degrees F is in Celcius. I wear shorts in temperatures down to a minimum of about minus 20 to 25 Celcius. Just curious if I could’ve “gone out for recess”..? Have a nice day, alright!!!

January 17, 2007

Yeah I heard yall were getting bad weather. Come here…its colder. LOL. I HATE it. Snow sucks.

lmao. Who DOESN’T enjoy WOOSHing down hills and sidewalks covered in ice?? RYN: I DO remember! 😀 *huggle* –

RYN: Nnnnope. Same diary for nearly 3 years. Only difference is it’s OD+ -ified. :] *huggle* –

January 18, 2007

RYN1: Yeah, that’s as in “sneaker”. And you can have a hat, if you want. RYN2: Oh, everyone on the cabinet gets a cattleprod. Didn’t I mention that? =)

w00t! I know…but, you call it trouble, I call it fun. Especially since he wants to get the fahk outta dodge and come see me. RAWR baby. I’m all over that shite! He’s a good guy. I’m dense, but not stupid. If I can have him to myself, I’m going to snag him! *laughs*

I went to Austin over Chistmas Break, because I vististed my boyfriend there, and I can’t imagine it being like that there! We got it up here(Arkansas) too. Be safe!

January 18, 2007 Tada nowyou find your info and post it hoe! ooooohhhh

January 21, 2007

Yes. o__o It’s Global warming. It was 70 degrees like a week ago. IN JANUARY FTW!