Smart-ass comments. : )

My mother is trying to kill me with Snow Patrol.  I took her to a secondhand music store where she bought their new album… BLECH.    All the songs are similar sounding with awkward lyrics and the vocals sound forced. 
‘Chasing Cars’ wasn’t too bad when it came out but my mom has since overplayed it to the point where the song makes me viciously grumpy and she still blares it every day. 
(And my mom’s stereo system is better than mine… only because she uses the floor subwoofers that reach up to my waist.  )

ZOMG My coffee is soooo good.  ‘Vanilla Caramel Brownie’ creamer.  I saw it at the store and was like no… it’s not sugarfree... and then I stared at it some more and announced to myself, "Well, Inmate, you’re only young once!" 

My parents and I watched ‘Independence Day’ last night.  Not long into the movie, I gleefully realized "Mr. President:" was none other than "Lone Star" from Spaceballs. 
From then on, every time someone called, "Mr. President!"  I would say, "Lo-one STAR."  This would make my dad crack up and my mom go, "Be QUIET!"
The best moment happened at the end when Pullman (the actor) says, "I’m a combat pilot."  And I said, "Of a WINNEBAGO!"  And my dad lost his shit all over the couch and my mom got mad because she couldn’t hear anything that was said in the movie afterward. 

Which reminds me, there was a girl at dance one time that wore a shirt that went something like this:


We all know what the shirt MEANT but I automatically thought, "I love Helmet."  YAY Spaceballs (I’m not obsessive.  )  and I laughed so hard I almost fell over.  This was in the middle of tap class.  LOL. 
Deja vu.  I might have told this story before somewhere.  Oddness. 

My cat either wants some coffee or wants to swat my mug, I’m not sure.  No, never mind, at the moment she prefers my knee.  Or the keyboard.  o.O  Hmm. 
She’s relaxed a lot during the night- not as psycho as she used to be, thankfully.  She used to be NUTS.
She sleeps on my bed during the night but she gives up often- I don’t blame her.  I’ve nailed her GOOD a couple of times (I sleep like I live- actively  ).

I love Halloween.  I wonder how this neighborhood is going to be with trick-or-treaters?  I get off early on the 31st- I think I’m off at 6- so I should be home to view most of the action.  I abhor dressing up though.  Last year I think I threw on my mom’s old monk cape, did my make-up really bad ass (my most female-like talent) and called it a costume.  Yep.  Those are what we southerners like to call "skillz".  Heh heh heh.

Next summer, I should have the money so I don’t care what the hell is going on- I am OUT of here.  I am moving out to LA.  It’s my target time. 

I desire more amazing coffee.  Peace.

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Green/Blue plaid boxers, blue tie-dye tank top.
Last ate::  Oatmeal w/soymilk and topped with Cranberry Almond Crunch cereal.
Feeling::  Peppy!
Reading:: ‘The Black Raven’ Katharine Kerr


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September 23, 2007

I love Halloween, too, but I seriously wish there was a way for us ADULTS without kids to go trick-or-treating. 😉 I think we big-uns get a seriously raw deal. RYN: Isn’t ballroom fabulous? There’s nothing quite like it. I mean, I love dance in so many forms, but ballroom just has this grace and old-fashioned elegance that sets it apart from anything else. I love doing it. *romantic sigh*

September 23, 2007

this entry made me realize that I have to space balls again.

September 23, 2007

I adore Bill Pullman!!! Can’t wait ’til you go to L.A. and live your dream, sister!!! =)

September 23, 2007

i love me some halloween.and i wish you the best with la

September 23, 2007

Sounds like your on target, good girl! If someone has a halloween party this year Im thinking either ICP (as every year) or just wrap myself on toilet paper…prolly from a public toilet so then its free

September 23, 2007

I LOVE INMATE your the last person on earth who needs coffee. …your entry is a great way to end a good day.

September 24, 2007

LOL I read it as I love helmut too! That’s hilarious, Spaceballs kicks ass, I have a friend who – when we speak, it’s mostly quotes from Spaceballs, Austin Powers films, Monty Python and general craziness of weird quotes we come up with. Another fun one – whilst watching Jaws…3? We decided to insert “Suck my ass” at all the key moments – I highly reccomend – hilarity will insue. 😉

September 24, 2007

If there’s a movie that demands full uninterrupted attention, it’s definitely Independence Day. *laughs* Good on you.

September 24, 2007

Halloween is a good time & a bad time for me. I like the idea of dressing up, but lack the “skillz” to do so. I went to a Halloween party once at a friends house. Dressed as a “wicked clown” of course (had a friend paint my face). Other than that. I’ve never had much luck. Last year at work, I dressed as “myself from 2years prior”. Right down to my old boots, even. Spaceballs Rocks!!!

September 26, 2007

You know I can quote you & say “Inmate nailed the cat.” lol. Hey, your “Last Ate” is something that actually sounds really good. 😉 If I was to become a Voice Actor & if CA was cheaper to live, I’d totally join you in LA. Good Luck, tho. I know you shall accomplish great things. 🙂 I can’t imagine you on a caffeine high. I always pictured you not needing it. Scary. lol. Spaceballs is the shit.

September 26, 2007

ryn1: I don’t know how I get by without you. It’s not easy. 😉 But wrestling has been a lot of fun. Especially the kids who really think I’m that way. lol. It’s fun playing a jerk. 😉 After Sunday, tho, I go back to being mild mannered. 🙁 Hope you are busy in a good way. Just stay outta trouble & don’t get stressed out. You’re one of my favorite people on here, I don’t want ya hospitalized. {X}