Holy HELL. 
So here I am in Chicago– I auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance this morning.  I took a taxi to get in line at 4:30 in the morning.  It was a good 10 degree windchill or something psycho and we didn’t get in until after EIGHT.  I was pretty damn frozen… A friend I’d met the day before brought me some hot chocolate though, which was good because it warmed me up enough to keep me going. 

The first cut was straight up improv in front of an executive producer and SHANE SPARKS.
Now, I have TWO idols.  The first is Wade Robson whom I would DIE if I saw.  Shane Sparks is right underneath him.

Mr.  Shane walked in and I almost formed a little puddle on the floor. 
That man is BEAUTIFUL and he has more talent than five of me put together. 

Pic of Mr.  Shane so you can enjoy his gorgeousness too:

By the way, there was probably about 600 dancers or "dancers" if not 700.

Oh, you wanna know how I did?



(FAKE-ASS) WARNING::  Exclusive details:
Each person in a group of 10 improvised for 20-30 seconds.  They let me go longer than most- I don’t think Shane and Mr. Executive Producer were sure what to do with me.  Which is precisely what I figured.  : /  Plus, I’d freaked myself out so much over Shane Sparks that my style was TOTALLY wild.  Out of the 10 dancers in my group, I was one of 2 (another homie) that was chosen to move on to the next round- although the two judges made TONS of deliberation.  It was REALLY worrying there for a second. 

I have my chance… now I gotta take it and run with it.
I got my second chance and I think my hero Shane Sparks pulled a string to get me into this next cut (which is another improv).

I have to prove myself worthy…
And by the way, I got tons of camera time- you should see me on tv being a weirdo  with one of my newfound friends, lol. 

One of them got out of the audition room (he was the best popper I have ever seen- absolutely incredible- and he told me, "You killed it.  I have NEVER seen a female do what you just did."
I was almost too busy shaking and squealing on the floor and filling out oodles of paperwork to say anything but I did.  And we made friends. 

This has been a great experience!

Day #2 is tomorrow and I have to be ready to go at 0800 in the morning.  Considering I woke up at 0245 this morning, I’m guessing I should go to sleep soon even though it is only 1519.

Peace and health.


Wearing::  Black strappy pants, halftop purple hoodie sweater, black bra top (What I wore at auditions)
Feeling::  Exhausted and ready to give my all tomorrow…
Last ate::  Orange Dream Creation smoothie from Jamba Juice. 

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March 8, 2007

i’m really excited for you, even though i dont have a clue who shane sparks is. wade robinson does ring a bell though, something about nsyc?

March 8, 2007


March 8, 2007

i’ve been uber busy with school and stuff, and he is pretty gorgeous. but you cant really go wrong with glossy athletic men who make you melt just through the picture.. sigh. uhh where was i. yeah i still live at home but i’m 18 and i was thinking about moving out next fall and now i guess i’ll have to. but this cant be any worse than the crap that happened last year.. meh. at least i’m not 14,

March 8, 2007

i think thatd be a lot harder.

March 8, 2007

EEEKKKK and hes a cutie!-=jumps up and down=-

March 8, 2007

WAY TO GO!!! Keep up the KICK ASS WORK!!! I can’t wait to watch the show!!

March 8, 2007

AWESOME!!! I’m really proud of you. I look forward to watching this program, if only to sit silently in my little house, saying, “I know her!” It’ll rank up there with the time Craig Ferguson said my name on his Late Late Show. I taped it. It was way awesome! But that’s a topic for another time. This is about you! I wish you the BEST of LUCK, though you’ll get it on talent alone. -Cya!

March 8, 2007

I told you. You are absolutely amazing, and you’re going to kick ass. *hugs and kisses and much love to you* You are a superstar. Now it’s time for people to realize it. =)

March 8, 2007

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I can’t wait to watch you!!!! Twll me when it airs (like you’d actually forget to post THAT!)

March 8, 2007

kick butt and live on your suspence!,,is that the word? lol

March 8, 2007

my spring break isnt next week.. or the next.. but the week after. the last week of the month maybe, it seems like its a year away. i just want it heeerrre

March 9, 2007

well done & good luck! xx

March 9, 2007

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m actually gonna ACTUALLY watch the show…… Good luck for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

March 15, 2007

YES!!! <3<3<3

March 20, 2007

oh yeah he is pretty hot!